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Fantasy Football final rnd scenario & playoff pictures
送交者: CyberCat 2004年12月08日12:45:50 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

All of sudden, it is the end of our inaugural Salon Fantasy Football regular season. Each teams has only one game left. Here follow a brief playoff picture analysis:

With BIGHEADLEADVICTORY, ShaMaLianDui, QuickBlueWhite, SouthNorthGarden already securd a playoff spot and O'DingEagles, J-F-B-H, WildDoping eliminated, we still have seven teams alive, competing for the final four playoff spot:

1. Kokoe 7-6-0 787: This team is in the best position to make the playoff among all the seven teams. A win or a tie will guarantee a playoff spot, even a loss will not prevent it from getting into final eight given its high total pts scored so far2. BigEagle 7-6-0 697: This is the hottest team down the strech with four straight wins. However, the last game against Scarlet Devils will proven to be a critical one. A win or a tie will guarantee a playoff spot. However, a loss will put its playoff picture into jeopardy if CrzyCruiserKinch and Ma--G--I--C--10 both win their games, respectively. Even YF2 will have a chance to surpass its points total with a big win. 3. Scarlet Devils 6-7-0 773: The once powerhouse no longer has its usual glamour with Randy Moss hurt. It has even lost some of its points total edge with several low scoring games lately. However, it can almost certainly make the playoff with a win against BigEagle. A loss will likely end its campaign. 4. CrzyCruiserKinch 6-7-0 766: Almost in the same position as Scarlet Devils with a almost identical points total. However, its last opponent is 3-9-1 O'DingEagles. It will have a pretty good chance to win the game and make the playoff. 5. Ma--G--I--C--10 6-7-0 722: Its awkward position right now and a tough last round game against SouthNorthGarden will proven to be a ultimate test for it. Even with a win, it will still need one or more teams above to lose to stand a chance. 6. YF2 6-7-0 683: Was a darkhorse in the mid-season sue to its excellent team management and relatively ease schedule, but its weakness in some key positions has started to take its tolls on the team. With couragous win last week against the NO.1 team could be exactly the team needs at this critial stage. It's certainly a winnable game in a rematch agaisnt Kokoe, especially when Kokoe may decide to sit Green and Kennison for Monday night to pick a favorable playoff opponent, but it still needs help from other team because its low points total7. RaindropsTurf 5-7-1 663: barely alive. It needs to win against the No.2 team and hope everybody else loses to make it. The chance is slim, but anything can happen on the court as well as off the court. We've witnessed enough drama so far. Don't give up!

My prediction: Kokoe, Scarlet Devils, CrzyCruiserKinch, and YF2

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