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送交者: dreaming1 2004年12月29日14:26:37 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話


By Clutch
Copyright 2004 ClutchFans.net

Early this morning, I got an email that said Jim Jackson and Bostjan Nachbar were going to New Orleans. I wasn't sure if it was just a rumor, or if not, who the Rockets would get in return, but I immediately speculated P.J. Brown and wasn't immensely thrilled with it.
Turns out it wasn't even that good.

The Rockets sent J.J. and Boki to the Hornets Monday, a surprising package that amounted to just David Wesley coming back in return.

"The addition of David solidifies our backcourt," said Rockets GM Carroll Dawson. "David can play both guard positions and has proven himself as a consistent and effective scorer with very good ball-handling skills. It is never easy parting with players such as Bostjan and Jimmy but in this league you have to give up quality players in order to get quality players."

Wesley is a nice player, averaging just under 14 points and just over 4 assists a game, but for Jackson and Boki? Jackson is no slouch (13.3 points, 3.6 assists), is currently shooting higher percentages from the field and long range than Wesley, is bigger than him and plays better defense.

Wesley does handle the ball better than Jackson, and the Rockets also created a roster spot in the move which could be important if there are more deals to come, but this is very much a lateral move.

As for Nachbar, who has hit 10 of his 21 three-point attempts this season, the Rockets have been shopping him vigorously for weeks. Why? On December 4th, the Rockets placed Boki on the Injured List, which went over very poorly with the third-year guard/forward who is in a contract season. He clashed hard with Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy about it, handed out ultimatums and the team opted to deal him.

The next night, Van Gundy proceeded to dump heavy praise on Ryan Bowen for "not complaining" like some do for having to go on the Injured List. This wasn't so much a compliment of Bowen as it was an attempted shot at Nachbar.

"This was about dealing Boki," a source close to the team told ClutchFans. "I can't say for sure, but Jackson may have just been a victim of Van Gundy wanting Boki off the roster that badly. I can't see them viewing Wesley as too much of an upgrade over Jackson, if any, but Van Gundy clearly wanted Nachbar out of here."

The Rockets also had talked seriously with the Atlanta Hawks and Boston Celtics about Nachbar.

Jackson meanwhile busted tail for the Rockets in the season and a half he was here, and was a bargain on his contract. CD and Van Gundy rewarded him by sending him to the 2-24 Hornets. Jackson was extremely angry upon hearing the news.

Talk about brutal. Don't think for a minute that free agents worth a ???? don't look closely at that one.

Speaking of Rockets management, it will be a clear signal that they are nearing the end of their rope if this deal doesn't reap benefits. Rockets brass mangled badly the point guard pursuit in the offseason, handing multiple guaranteed years and millions to Charlie Ward, who is now out indefinitely with a knee injury. Outside of their first round draft pick, Jackson was the lone tradeable asset that the Rockets had and they sacrificed it to cover up the offseason mistake.

Consider this: the Rockets dealt Kenny Thomas for James Posey, opted to let Posey walk so they could get a cheaper alternative in Jackson, but not before having to trade multiple draft picks to dump Glen Rice to clear the cap space for him. Now they follow that up by dealing the player they made future sacrifices to get (Jackson) for guard help that they clearly botched trying to get in the offseason when they had the MLE to use.

Right now, just about every player that leaves the Rockets sees an increase in value, while those who come on board seem to suffer from a stock plummet.

If they are not on the hot seat now, they could very well be soon.

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