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紅山狼: 稀飯第八周早市情況
送交者: 紅山狼 2015年10月28日06:26:31 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

1. 經過七周的磨練,人們理性增強,要價皆趨於合理。 兵哥66刀就順利拿下列寧同學的接班人BLue。到手後兵哥是不是有些茫然? 回頭看看,好像各位買家對BULE不看好啊,除了本狼拍出17刀競標,市場上竟然沒有第三個買家。 同志們是不是忘了歷史,忘了是誰在列寧同學去世後領導蘇聯人民進行的偉大的衛國戰爭了?

2. 藍馬54刀拿下McFadden,喜上眉梢。後面的石頭,胖哥,金剛都出了不菲的價錢。馬卡發呆的第二春到了?

3.  狼隊33刀拿到阿布,但願獅子的進攻戰術有所改變,給阿布爆發的機會。 俺最初是27刀,睡覺前加了5刀,實在是形勢所迫。 安德森丟掉了始發位置,傑寧斯的機會也越來越少,狼隊也就沒有RB了。

4. 拍子拿下的阿門達拉,這兩周表現不錯,就是不知道LAFELL回來會對他有啥影響。

5. 子怡姐拿下Andrews物美價廉,有發展空間。

6. 勇心本周拍了兩次一無所獲,錢省下了。

7. 本周收穫最大的是藍馬,一口氣搶了4位RB, 難道他聽到街坊大媽喊RB下周要漲價了?

8. 本周收穫最小的是石頭,拍了48刀沒有搶到麥克發呆,後面想撿兩個便宜也不成。

9. 老假繼續着空手套白虎的傳說。。。

1. Team 老白菜幫 Alfred Blue, Hou RB $66 Added. Rose dropped Christine Michael, Dal RB to Waivers.
2. Team Big Horse Darren McFadden, Dal RB $54 Added. 
  Team Stone Darren McFadden, Dal RB $48 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team Mt. FAT Darren McFadden, Dal RB $47 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
3. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Ameer Abdullah, Det RB $33 Added. LANG dropped Coby Fleener, Ind TE to Waivers.
  SF TRANSFORMERS Darren McFadden, Dal RB $21 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
4. Team Big Horse Ryan Mathews, Phi RB $18 Added. 
  ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Alfred Blue, Hou RB $17 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
5. New Pats Danny Amendola, NE WR $15 Added. Pats dropped Sammy Watkins, Buf WR to Waivers.
6. ZYJ Chance gardener Antonio Andrews, Ten RB $13 Added. ZYJ dropped Isaiah Crowell, Cle RB to Waivers.
  Team Big Horse Ameer Abdullah, Det RB $9 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  SF TRANSFORMERS Antonio Andrews, Ten RB $8 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
7. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Nate Washington, Hou WR $5 Added. LANG dropped Willie Snead, NO WR to Waivers.
8. Team Mt. FAT Larry Donnell, NYG TE $4 Added. FAT dropped Crockett Gillmore, Bal TE to Waivers.
9. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Saints D/ST D/ST $3 Added. LANG dropped Josh McCown, Cle QB to Waivers.
10. Team Big Horse David Cobb*, Ten RB $3 Added. 
11. Team Big Horse Orleans Darkwa, NYG RB $3 Added. 
  Team Big Horse Chris Polk, Hou RB $3 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Maximum roster size would be exceeded.
12. New Pats Chiefs D/ST D/ST $2 Added. Pats dropped Bills D/ST, Buf D/ST to Waivers.
13. ZYJ Chance gardener Connor Barth, TB K $0 Added. ZYJ dropped Matt Bryant, Atl K to Waivers.
  Team HappyCultivate Chiefs D/ST D/ST $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team HappyCultivate Danny Amendola, NE WR $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team Stone David Cobb*, Ten RB $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team Stone Ryan Mathews, Phi RB $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  New Pats Nate Washington, Hou WR $0 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.

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