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送交者: Mayi 2016年08月07日17:11:30 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

'Sun Yang is just the drug cheat': Aussie Mack Horton slams Chinese rival after getting the ultimate revenge and beating him to win Rio gold... and urges other athletes to 'name and shame' dopers 

Australian swimming hero Mack Horton launched a scathing attack on the Chinese champion he defeated to win gold in Rio and urged other Olympic athletes to name drug cheats in their sport.

The stirring win in the 400m freestyle came just hours after Horton said he had no respect for his Chinese rival Sun Yang, who he labelled a 'drug cheat.' 

The newly crowned champion didn't shy away from his comments and later told reporters he had no regrets about calling out Yang.

'I don't think it is a big statement because it is true, he has tested positive,' he said.

'No athlete has really come forward and said it. It wouldn't have felt right if I raced against someone who had tested positive and didn't bring it up. Hopefully others will follow.'

Yang served a three-month doping ban in secret in 2014 and news of the suspension was announced retrospectively by China officials.

Horton said he had been planned the attack on Yang after reading Swimming Australia president John Bertrand's account of his famous 1983 America's Cup yachting triumph.

'It was something I thought of beforehand. It was taking a leaf out of John Bertrand's book ....(in 1983) he just referred to it (US) as the 'red boat'.

'He kind of desensitised from it. Sun Yang is just the drug cheat.'

Horton tried to play down a personal rivalry with Yang but clearly there was no love lost. 

Yang reportedly tried to 'taunt' Horton in the Rio training pool by splashing water in on him last week.

The 20-year-old gold medalist launched a surprise chip at the controversial world champion when asked about the training incident.

'It got played up a bit but he splashed me to say hi and I ignored him, I don't have time or respect for drug cheats,' Olympic debutant Horton said.

'He wasn't too happy about that so he kept splashing me and I just got in and did my thing.' 

After beating the Chinese swimmer by a very narrow margin, Horton said it wasn't Yang he had an issue with, but drug cheats in general.

'Definitely a win for the good guys,' he said in a post race interview.

'I don't know if it's a rivalry between me and him, just me and athletes who have tested positive.' 

Horton clocked three minutes, 41.55 seconds to claim the 400m title ahead of defending champion Yang, who swam a time of 3:41.68. 

The 20-year-old is the first Australian since Ian Thorpe in 2004 to win the Olympic 400m freestyle crown. 

'Welcome to the Australian 400m Olympic Champion Club! Well done mate!!' Thorpe tweeted.

Australian head coach Jacco Verhaeren threw his weight behind Horton's bold stance against drug cheats.

'To be honest everyone thinks the same way,' he said.

'As a swimming organisation we have zero tolerance to drugs. It's the same as saying we don't like drug cheats. 

'He made a statement not in words but also performance which is fantastic.' 

霍頓無端攻擊孫揚引風波 中國泳協要求其向孫楊道歉

中新網里約熱內盧8月7日電(記者 高凱)近幾日澳大利亞游泳運動員霍頓對中國選手孫楊進行了人身攻擊,引發風波。中國游泳協會7日正式向澳大利亞游泳協會發送了抗議郵件,要求霍頓向孫楊道歉。








AOC backs Mack Horton in drug cheat controversy

The West Australian on August 8, 2016, 8:19 am

The Australian Olympics Committee has defended Australian swimming gold medalist Mack Horton over his comments about Chinese rival Sun Yang’s use of performance-enhancing drugs.

The AOC's defence of Horton comes as the Chinese Olympic team consider an official complaint against the athlete.

China's Yang reportedly tried to "taunt" Horton in the Rio training pool earlier this week, leading to Horton's surprise chip at the controversial world champion when asked about it.

"It got played up a bit but he splashed me to say hi and I ignored him, I don't have time or respect for drug cheats," Olympic debutant Horton said.

"He wasn't too happy about that so he kept splashing me and I just got in and did my thing."

Moments after taking gold over silver medallist Yang, Horton fiercely stood by his comments in the post-race press conference.

"I used the words drug cheat because he tested positive," Horton said after the race.

"He's one of the athletes here who has tested positive."

Queried about Horton’s comments, the AOC said Mack was entitled to express a point of view.

“Under the Team Values (ASPIRE), the ‘E’ stands for express yourself - that is his (Mack’s) right,” the AOC said in a statement.

“He has spoken out in support of clean athletes.

“This is something he feels strongly about and good luck to him"

Supporters of Yang have urged Horton to apologise for his comments, leaving shocking messages across the Aussie's social media accounts.

"Loser", "Snake", "Ugly", "You make me sick" are just some of the abuse hurled at Australia's newest Olympic champion.

"Although you have to the gold medal, but no matter how much you get the piece because of your character you will always be a loser at least respect you should have! Please apologize to Sun Yang! [sic]," one user said.

"You lost the spirit of the Olympic Games. And you are not qualified to be an athlete.

Your comments represent your country obviously you have no idea about it. To insult, attack another athlete on your unreasonable imagination, you suck [sic]," wrote another support of Yang.

"Please apologize to sun. Your country will be ashamed of you. Do you want to play psychological warfare? [sic]" said another.

Rio 2016: Gold medal winner Mack Horton trolled online after calling out 'drug cheat' Sun Yang

Mack Horton has become the target of online trolls just hours after taking the gold medal in the men's 400 metres freestyle final over comments he made calling Chinese runner up Sun Yang out as a "drug cheat".

Horton delivered Australia its first gold medal of the Games, swimming his race to perfection to out-touch the defending Olympic champion.

There had been bad blood brewing between Horton and Yang in the build-up to the final, after the Chinese swimmer splashed water in the face of the Victorian during a training session at the Olympic aquatic centre earlier in the week.

At the time Horton said Yang "splashed me to say hello, and I didn't respond because I don't have time for drug cheats".

Yang served a three-month suspension in 2014 after testing positive to a banned substance.

After the race, Horton said he "didn't have a choice" but to beat Yang.

"The last 50 metres I was thinking about what I said and what would happen if he gets me here," he said.

"I used the words drug cheat because he tested positive ... I just have a problem with athletes who have tested positive and are still competing."

Yang defended himself after the race, insisting he had nothing to hide.

"I don't care too much what the Australian athlete says ... I'm clean; I've done everything it takes to prove I'm clean," he said.

But Chinese fans have taken the grudge match into their own hands, attacking Horton on his various social media accounts using the hashtag #apologizetosunyan.

"Your parents and whole country should be shame [sic] on what you've said," one user wrote on Instagram.

Another wrote: "You even won the match, but you are still a loser, you don't deserve to have an Olympic gold medal."

Many other spammed Horton's accounts with snake emojis.

Horton has not responded to the comments on his social media accounts.


鳳凰體育訊 北京時間今天上午,澳大利亞選手霍頓在擊敗孫楊後,多次諷刺孫楊有涉藥歷史,並將矛頭直指孫楊,但因為這些過激言論,他的個人社交平台也遭到眾多中國網友攻陷。



澳洲"領獎台計劃"奏效 曾成功切斷孫楊外教關係


戰勝孫楊奪得冠軍的,是澳大利亞19歲小將霍頓,他和孫楊在碧波池上演了一場世界級的較量。按理說,冠軍拿到手總要展現些許風度,可霍頓賽前賽後接連出言不遜,嘲諷孫楊為“磕藥的騙子(drug cheat)”。霍頓奪冠後,部分澳大利亞媒體集體式狂歡並挑事,高呼霍頓戰勝“嗑藥的騙子”。











2014年孫楊在全國賽出現涉藥門,這件事被世界泳壇中那些嫉妒孫楊的人和他們背後的境外媒體抓住不放。2014年開始,澳媒體不斷地用“drug cheat”污衊孫楊,即便他僅是“誤服”的事情已被世界反興奮劑組織所認可,並因此決定不再處罰他。





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