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送交者: rck_liu 2005年11月11日07:49:38 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

Work around clocks for days and could sleep when it is over...

It is the forth season for Yao in NBA. When he retires from the league, what achievement he have made? A hall of frame, a super star, a role player or just be forgotten. As a huge Chinese basketball fan, I was thrilled by his performance in the first year. The steps to fool to Jermaine O'Neal, the reverse pass to SF3... "To build up his muscles will make Yao a super star" was my expectaion then. As I have watched more Yao's games, I began to change my mind. I have to admit that Yao will not make a super star, although I am not pleased to say so. I think I know the reasons too.

Phyical fittness is the main constraint. Yao has difficulty just running the court back and forth for more 40 minutes. Remember that, a super star will do this twice a week in the season, every other day in playoff. Sometimes when Rox play fast break or quick shooting, Yao just barely follows other players and breathes heavily. His uneven performance during the saeson or even in the same game explains that well. He is just worn out.

Mastering basket ball skills requires one to have explosive force. A good player must be able to change direction quickly, spin quickly, jump quickly and move quickly. In one woord, he must have the adavntage of speed of some sort. Center skills are no different. Yao dose not have it or is not good at it. That is why even I or my follow hoop fans are expecting some trade mark super center movements from Yao so eagerly before each game, mostly we will end up disppointed. That is the reason why Yao makes most of shoot attempts are fade away. Even his click shot is some awkward. You just cannot feel the rythm from it.

Having said that does not mean that Yao is a bad player. Of course, Yao is good, especially in C position. He has size edge against anyone and near the paint, very few can guard him. His fade away shot is good. In defense, he is the Great Wall to anyone jumps into the paint by just standing there with reaching out arms. Although being the famous player in the world, he is still a modest team player. He never blame anyone or be destructive to the team in any way.

He is the most successful Chinese who works in US, too. He is probably the role model of every Chinese kid or even every Asian kid. I do think he changed the view of Americans of China. They really feel the power of China on the court. His management team did an excellent job and his PR is second to none in all the professional sportmen around the world. We, Chinese just love him and are pround of him. He is the hallmark of our country being stronger and better each day.

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