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Lakers, Challenge Yourselves t
送交者: 王利民 2023年05月22日12:37:04 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

Lakers, Challenge Yourselves to Accomplish the Possible

By Limin Wang

May 22, 2023

Now, Lakers are down 0 – 3 to Nuggets in the Western Conference Finals. The NBA playoff statistics of a comeback from 0 – 3 in history is currently a WHOPPING ZERO. Lakers players and coaches, you should know you have dug the 0 – 3 hole MAINLY BY YOURSELVES, then I assume you should have known how you can make a 4 – 0 winning streak. If you don’t, I as a destitute antenna-TV watcher share with you some EXTRA opinions. 1) VIGOROUS AND PROACTIVE one-to-one defense on all five Nuggets players, not just on Murray; 2) TEAM OFFENSE via ANY player, alternatively in moving or in waiting, with the flashing chance and splashing confidence; 3) Better a point-guard other than LeBron advances the ball to the front court, because LeBron tends to dribble the ball a lot and thus slows down the tempo, especially when the other four players are NOT moving for OPPORTUNITIES, and then LeBron’s dribbling without AGGRESSIVE attack by himself will most likely end in Lakers’ loss. LeBron may be enslaved more efficiently as a power forward and an assisting guard. I do not mention other Lakers because they themselves are Lakers. Fuck NBA, why can’t the rest of both Western and Eastern Conference Finals be broadcast ON THE AIR?

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