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Heat Can Make an NBA Record
送交者: 王利民 2023年06月08日12:59:20 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

Heat Can Make an NBA Record

By Limin Wang

June 08, 2023

Last night’s NBA Finals game #3 with the visiting team Nuggets routing the hosting team Heat demonstrated how Nuggets played their strengths for a win. Heat players should KEEP their self-confidence that BY PLAYING THE RIGHT WAYS OFFENSIVELY AND DEFENSIVELY, THEY CAN REACH FROM A PLAY-IN BERTH ALL THE WAY TO THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP IN YEAR 2023. However, Heat players need to first clear their mind cloud on what are the RIGHT OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE WAYS.

The more important issue is Heat’s defense on Nuggets. One-on-one defense is more effective, and it is not mutually-exclusive to zone defense. Jokic has his strengths and WEAKNESSES, so Heat really needs to AVOID PITTING Bam in its DEFENDING against Nikola. Rotate heavy and/or tall Heat centers and forwards for a basic one-on-one defense against Jokic, by basically putting a bent elbow and forearm on his PELVIC back and arching the legs to STOP his backing into the paint, AS EARLY AND FAR-AWAY AS POSSIBLE. When Jokic has the ball, ANOTHER NEARBY Heat player tries to STEAL the ball during his holding, dribbling, or passing. The one-on-one defense should be CLOSE IN, ONTO THE OPPONENT. Guarding a standing and waiting opponent with NO ball, STAND CLOSE IN FRONT OF HIM AND MOSTLY WATCH HIM AND HIS MOVES, NOT THE BALL; ALWAYS CHASE him down tiny bit BEHIND HIM and tiny bit NEAR THE HOOP, so you guard him and simultaneously watch for and probably intercept the ball. When the running opponent comes to a screener, especially for the ball, it’s better for the ORIGINAL defender to try a prevention, a ball steal, or a continuous chasing. By doing ONE-ON-ONE, CLOSE-IN, CHASE-DOWN defense, Heat can dismantle Nuggets’ offensive strengths.

I MOSTLY hold onto my comments about Heat’s offenses, other than DON’T WAIT FOR A FOURTH QUARTER MIRACLE. If Heat can ROUTINELY outperform its adversary in the 4th, it’s NOT a fucking miracle. A fucking miracle is like Derrick White pushed the rebounding ball back into the basket within the last split second of a game and flipped the game. FUCK HARD EARLY AND ALL THE FOUR QUARTERS. Heat has won the Eastern Conference’s #1, #2, and #4, different types of teams, during this year’s playoffs.

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