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阿黛: 童子軍
送交者: 阿黛 2011年02月16日05:58:13 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話



   1a. Map and Compass Use

   1b. Map and Compass Hike

2.     Discuss ‘Leave No Trace’

3a. Activity Requirement

3b. Select Camp Site

3c. Use of Kinfe/Saw/Axe

3d. Prepare Cook Fire

3e. Fire and Stove Safety

3f. Build Fire and Set Up/Stove

3g. Plan and Cook Meal

  1.  Flag Ceremony/Respect Flag
  2.  Service Project

6.  Identify Wild Animals

7a. Handle‘Hurry’Cases

7b. Make First Aid Kit

8a. Swimming Precautions

8b. Demo Swim Ability

8c. Demo Water Rescue

9a. Drug/Alcohol Program

9b. Personal Safety/Protecton

10. Earn and Save Money

11. Scout Spirit/Scout Law






To Whom This May Concern,

Hello. I am pleased to announce a remodeling of the fort at
XXX Rdmy back yard.


Lately, my fellow architectures and I have seen the fort and decided, well, it was simply too boring. We have decided that a remodeling is absolutely mandatory. As of now, you may say that our idea is perhaps impractical but I assure you we have it under control.


Before we are able to proceed with this plan however, I must tell you that we shall pay 100% of the costs. We only ask in your cooperation with allowing us to purchase the items we need, assisting us in some dangerous procedures, and allowing us to use the time we see necessary.


The igloo we built recently has introduced my fellow workers to the art of creativity and we see this as a wonderful opportunity to show you just how creative we are. Our project begins the moment school set us free for summer break. We will meet at scheduled time that has not been yet announced.
Thank you for your cooperation. If we must change our plans, you will be notified immediately.


The builders of the future.





My dear fellow future architects/builders,
Thanks for sharing your grand plan and vision with us. We were extremely pleased to learn that you got another great creative idea in mind, and decided to carry it out. Through last Fort project, you have proven to us that you are very capable of turning your own great ideas into reality with great determination and persistence, despite the harsh weather conditions. Everything was carried out by you fellow architects/builders without any adults help.  It's a great job well done. We are so proud of what you have achieved and I am fully on board with your new project if both you fellow architect/builder have decided to do it.
But just like any other construction project, there is a governing body that regulates the process. The governing body just makes sure the safety and other building requirements are met. This will make sure we are not building something that might cause safety hazards not only to you fellow architects/builders, but also to the general public in large. And we (Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Peter and Aunt Wendy) are the governing body. And we will put very strict security to the plan to make sure the plan and design is sound and carried out alright. Please supply your plan in detail at your earliest convenience.
As for the funding, I like the idea that you pay the cost yourself, that is the Scouting way. You can raise money yourself, or use your own allowance. I don't expect it to cost too much. It would be at our discretion whether to provide funding help if it is getting expensive. But we will be always there to guide you through the safety approach.
Please provide the planned proposal at your earliest convenience. Good luck with the planning and I can't wait to see your grand plan.

The architects/builders governing association.


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