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美國隊並非無懈可擊 - 評美挪之戰
送交者: drfang 2003年10月02日09:38:14 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

The game is over, but now i'm so confident that we do have a chance to win the champion. The whole game is about the norwagien girls making mistakes. first of all, their personal skill is really bad; second of all,they still play offense from air even american girls are much taller than them; finally, they know US is good at tactics of free kicks and corner kicks, they still dont assign some strong tall girl to mark the ABBY.

To be honest US doesnt have a lot of good chances to score, but they siezed one of a few, plus their defense didnt make any mistake, that makes the difference. If we can mark the ABBY girl using li jie like here shadow, their old fellas r as same as our veterans - no speed, and our skill level is better than them, this is our chance. in terms of our tactics, I would think ground short pass, middle field control, counter attack, no silly foul around box should be considered.

Above is my 2 cents just in case we make the final and meet US.(I know you folks would say I'm discouraging our roses, but i think it's the fact)

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