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關於Bynum last period 82% 的命中率
送交者: kobe250 2012年06月25日16:36:41 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

有人對Bynum 82% 的命中率(last 5 minutes) cast soubt。

Here is my thiniking:

  1. In order to get 82% shooting, you can not only shoot one time。

        Because if you only shoot one time, you either 0% or 100%。

2。 can not be 2 times。 If you only shoot 2 times, you get

0%, 50% or 100%, not 82%

same logic, can not be 3 time, 4 times。

5 times? if you score 4 times, that‘s 80%, close to 82%。

So, Bynum 82% 的命中率(last 5 minutes) , means he shoots at least 5 times, likely 6 times。

At the same time period, what‘sKobe‘s percentage -- 36%。

So if you are lakers, whom do you pass the ball to?







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