老美對京粵高速報道的有趣跟貼 |
送交者: 老矮 2012年12月26日08:08:08 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話 |
主貼:Did they copy or fake this? (這玩意兒是抄襲我們的還是假的?) 跟帖1:neither. it's call Chinese Innovations in case u were living in a cave in the last 30 years. (當然不是。這被叫做中國式創新。如果這點你都不明白的話我猜測你老兄過去的30年一直生活在與世隔絕的山洞裡,呵呵) 跟帖2:K, copy? from what? 45 mile Amtack 50 year old ?? (靠,抄襲?從哪裡抄的?難道是抄襲那個50年麼有更新的叫Amtack時速45英里的老破車?) 評:從這個靠的用法估計是華裔) 跟帖3:Did steve jobs says smart people copied others? (史蒂夫 喬布斯 說過聰敏人擅抄襲嗎? )
主貼:I smell huge accident. (我聞到事故的血腥味了)--- 心術不正,這傢伙大過節的盼望死人 跟帖1:Well, get yourself to a toilet quickly. (快滾到馬桶上坐好) 跟帖2:since you are alone at home for chrismas, the only accident you are smelling is from you as** hole, check it out! (幫你分析一下哈:因為你獨自在家度聖誕,你聞到的血腥味只能來自自家的屁眼。你它麻的還不趕快去檢查你的屁眼!那地方發生事故了!) 跟帖3:accidents happened everywhere, not just in china. But the thing is that they are doing their best. Accidents make people learns. (天涯何處無事故?了不起的是中國人奮力向前,從事故中學習知識掌握技術因禍得福。) 跟帖4:Eric, FYI, China has a lot lower accident rate per passenger per km travel than the USA, and that's comparing China's worst year to USA's best year. Also comparing the on schedule timeliness, China's worst year is still a lot better than USA's best year! (比起美國來中國的每旅行公里事故率低得多,而且這是用美國事故率最低的年份和中國最高的年份作的比較。同樣的比較結果發生在兩國交通工具的準時指標中。)
祝大家節日快樂! |
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