近期NBA小小評 |
送交者: 義哥 2004年09月26日10:15:23 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話 |
奧尼爾(在談及他自己的完全不合理的超超高薪續約要求的時候):It's not about money. 奧尼爾(在談及他自己的完全不合理的超超高薪續約要求的時候):It's about respect. 奧尼爾:Kobe wanted me out. 奧尼爾:Lakers made me scapegoat. 奧尼爾:暑假苦練終於瘦了一圈,得意之餘又大罵湖人。 佩頓被湖人倒賣到波士頓,丹皮爾和小牛簽下高薪超長期合同: 韋伯(在被問及他到底在罵哪個隊友時):I'm not trying to call out Peja. 韋伯: I was calling out a lot of people. I was calling out our team. I was calling out our mentality. 韋伯:We play like we're from the suburbs, and the best basketball is played in the city. 斯托:我要轉會! 斯托:I'm probably one of the easiest players to trade. 鮑比傑克遜: (得知斯托想轉會):I'm disappointed at him. 卡特和拜仁戴維斯:我不快樂,我要轉會! |
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