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送交者: 季牧龍 2014年06月01日06:25:50 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話

音樂會過去一星期,只見小美女粉絲團活躍,Jackie Evancho 同樣的視頻以不同的名稱紛紛湧上油管。我最欣賞的 Jennifer Nettles 卻毫無蹤跡。無奈,自己把整個音樂會(PBS電視台的)視頻下載,分出的二段貼上油管,與大家分享。

Bridge Over Troubled Water

When you're weary, feeling small
 When tears are in your eyes
 I will dry them all

I'm on your side
 Oh when times get rough
 And friends just can't be found

Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will lay me down
 Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will lay me down

When you're down and out
 When you're on the street
 When evening falls so hard, I will comfort you

I'll take your part
 Oh, when darkness comes
 And pain is all around

Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will lay me down
 Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will lay me down

Sail on silver girl, sail on by
 Your time has come to shine
 All your dreams are on their way
 See how they shine

Oh, if you need a friend
 I'm sailing right behind

Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will ease your mind
 Like a bridge over troubled water
 I will ease your mind

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