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Salon Fantasy Basketball Supplemental Rules Draft 1.1
送交者: CyberCat 2005年03月01日14:02:43 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Goal: To make the game more fun and to create a fair competing environment

1. Each team's final standing this season will tie with its draft order next season.

The teams rank 7-12 will get the first six picks next season, respectively. And the first six team will get pick 7-12. Here is the order:
No.7: first pick
No.8: second pick
No.9: thrid pick
No.10:fourth pick
No.11:fifth pick
No.12:six pick
No.6: seventh pick
No.5: eighth pick
No.4: nineth pick
No.3: tenth pick
No.2: eleventh pick
No.1: twelveth pick

2. After the trading deadline expires, each team will still be able to trade players using add/drop method provided that you strictly abide by the following rules:
a. Each team will have its top six players as reserved players, which we will decide based on the Yahoo ranking as of March 6th. Each team will have the option to replace one of them with any of the player currently on its roster.
b. If there is any trade involving any one or more of those six players, the trade proposal will have to be posted here or preferably sent to all other teams for review at least three days in advance of the intended trade date. If there is no objection from any team, the trade is approved. However, the opponents of both trading parties will not have the veto rights.
c. Teams will be free to add/drop any player outside this reserved players pool.

The above rules are to be effective on March 8th if there is no significant change suggested. Please feel free to vote or comment.

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