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Just got the new 3G IPhone
送交者: CyberCat 2008年07月11日10:05:41 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
Cannot wait to go home to activate it.
  GXGX,what's the total price? - mazi 07/11/08 (327)
    buy service也是$499, $199是upgrade价格.  /无内容 - (99) 07/11/08 (284)
      No, $199 is the price for the device - CyberCat 07/11/08 (268)
          No, that would cost you at least $499  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (186)
        已经有iPhone,并且是AT&T用户,这次再买才是199 - (99) 07/11/08 (196)
          Regardless you have IPHONE or not - CyberCat 07/11/08 (220)
            那现在service费是多少? - (99) 07/11/08 (194)
              $10 more than the old model  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (202)
                你对.我读那个广告很气愤于是就糊涂理解了.  /无内容 - (99) 07/11/08 (150)
    昨天不都说了吗,穿衣服的199,不穿的499  /无内容 - icecold 07/11/08 (169)
    Yes $499 for 8G model. $599 for 16G  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (144)
  也算一坑,图?  /无内容 - icecold 07/11/08 (152)
    坑 or not depends on how many - CyberCat 07/11/08 (147)
      iPhone啊,这坑恶俗。我不喜欢iPhone的样子,尤其 - icecold 07/11/08 (166)
        Not professional like, probably. - CyberCat 07/11/08 (179)
          我相信功能方面应该是比较强大的。苹果软件开发 - icecold 07/11/08 (216)
            I have a totally different feeling. - CyberCat 07/11/08 (160)
  BSO?  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 07/11/08 (195)
    What is BSO?  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (210)
      bulldhit show off  /无内容 - 机会园丁 07/11/08 (152)
      晒命  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 07/11/08 (156)
        ???  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (141)
          Bloody Show off  /无内容 - 袈裟道人 07/11/08 (161)
            Ha ha, surely to a certain extent  /无内容 - CyberCat 07/11/08 (148)
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