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阿黛: 走走停停(6)
送交者: 阿黛 2012年08月23日09:03:42 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话






小袄: My mom bought the entertainment pack (was that what it was called?). On the brightly-colored package displayed numerous events that we could participate in, such as the Niagara Aquarium, Cave of the Wind, Maid of the Mist, a movie, a day of free trolley rides, a the Discovery Center.

小拖:People started ushering us onto the small boat. We were lucky enough to get spots next to the railing, so we could see the water without any obstructions. Too bad it was on the wrong side.

小袄:The first waterfall we came to was the American Falls, a huge towering wall of water over 200 feet tall. I felt bad for the rocks underneath since they looked like they were getting quite the pounding underneath the raging water. Did you know that over 15,000 gallons of water traveled over Niagara Falls per second?

小拖:We passed by the American falls which I had seen already but the boat didn’t stop there. I couldn’t see exactly where we were going because there was too much mist in the air…

小袄:I looked up, and all I could see was the gigantic chaos only running water could make. The light green mixed with blue created a kind of aquamarine-ish color that could never be duplicated. The white foam cascading over could only bring more beauty and a sense of uniqueness to the Falls while the deep brown stones underneath provided a stark contrast that added to the already-overwhelming picture that was Niagara Falls.

小拖:Suddenly I heard the loud thundering noise that I knew belonged to water crashing into rocks below. I looked around and saw that we were surrounded by water on 3 sides so it formed a semi-circle…We stood there feeling random blasts of wind and water against our ponchos. After what seemed like 15 minutes, I still couldn’t comprehended what I saw because I didn’t realize there was a Canadian section of Niagara Falls.

小袄:Next was the Cave of the Wind. Originally, you were allowed to go behind the Falls into a hidden cave, but a few years ago, the rocks above it collapsed, crushing three people to death. So, now we had to be content with just the Hurrican Deck, a large platform made of wood than was located inches away from the bottom of the American Falls.

小拖: As I neared the hurricane deck, I saw a few people running about and screaming while getting rained on by sheet after sheet of water. I ran up there to join them except I left out the running around and screaming because they were acting like they were 4.

小袄:Tony was the first to be brave enough to stand under the icy spray, and after watching him for a while, I decided to join him. We both huddled there in our flimsy ponchos, shivering from the cold, but still able to pose for a few pictures.

小拖:I stood under the loud water facing away from the falls so I wouldn’t get water in my eyes. I stood there for at least 10 minutes feeling the sting of the mist through my poncho. I was cold but dry momentarily and I knew eventually that the water would find a way in. At long last, of all reasons to get wet, the water seeped into my poncho because my hood fell off.

小袄:My hood was down, my t-shirt became wet, along with my shoes making that slosh slosh slosh sound each time I take a step.

小拖:I walked off the deck slowly not wanting to slip and walked away from the scene. I allowed the sun to greet me with its warming and drying rays.

小袄:The next day we woke up bright and early. After rushing through a quick breakfast, we headed back to Niagara Falls.

We started the park from the theatre, a movie called "summoned".

The movie began with a scene of a Native American village. Over the speakers, a narrator talked about the tribe's history, including a young girl, Lelawala. He went on to show how this girl was being forced to marry the chief's son, and when the wedding came around, how she ran off, and was exiled from the village. Lelawala stole a boat, and began paddling towards a huge water fall. The natives believed that the waterfall was where powerful spirit scalled "Thunder Beings" lived. Lelawala had supposedly been "summoned" by the Thunder Beings, so she was compelled to meet them, which is where we left off.

Once she reached the edge of the Thundering Water, she fell, most likely to her death. It is said that her spirit is still seen today, perched at the base, hands raised high in the air, as if she was welcoming someone.

The native's name for the waterfall was "Thundering Waters", or, in their language, Niagara.

The rest of the movie went on about the history of Niagara and all the people that have been brave (or stupid) enough to try to conquer it. For example, they briefly went over the first person to ever tightrope across Niagara, and the first person to ever go over the edge in a barrel and live, but there was one story that was particularly shocking. It was about a family that was boating along the upper river of Niagara Falls. However, their motor/engine on the boat failed, and no matter what they did, they couldn't get it to start. As the family was focusing on trying to get the motor to work, they were quickly being towed downstream, straight to the edge of Niagara.

The dad ordered his wife and daughter to put on their life jackets, which they quickly did, but the father did not get time to put on his. Suddenly, their boat flipped, and they were separated, each left to his or her own in the churning rapids. They were being pulled closer and closer to the edge, and just like that, the dad went over the side, crashing to the rocks below. The girl screamed, struggling more than ever after seeing her father disappear. Unfortunately, there was nothing to stop him, and she, too, slipped over.

The mom saw this, and began frantically kicking and screaming for help. Luckily for her, a group of tourists saw her, and began encouraging her to swim towards the side. She did, but it was very slow work, and each second she was in the water brought her closer and closer to the 183-foot drop. Inches away from the Falls, she was caught and brought ashore by two of the watching tourists. She was taken to the hospital.

Meanwhile, a group of 50 or so were happily cruising on the Lelawala, a small ship that took passengers to the base of the American and Horseshoe Falls. Everyone on the ship were either marveling at the beauty of Niagara or taking pictures, until someone yelled "Look! Someone is in the water! A girl!" The passengers crowded around the railing, craning their necks to try to see where the man was pointing at. Sure enough, there was the unmistakable neon-orange blob of a lifejacket. The crew members began to work, shoving all the tourists aside while tossing a life ring. Once the girl had a firm grip on it, they started towing her towards the ship, not stopping until she was safe to shore. She was safe, but the same could not be said abou this father. His body was never found.



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