新年,同日同月,人性本善 |
送交者: Badass 2014年01月01日20:03:57 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
新年: 给位新年快乐。马年马到成功,马上提钱,嘿嘿
同日同月: When checking in at hotel, the frond desk girl:"d please." I handed over my id. "wow, we were born in the same month and day." the girl said it with a wow. I replied: "really? I never met one before. What a coincidence!". The girl said : "unbelievable. I met another one last week with same month and same day. It is karma." I said: " sounds so, what a surprise! Happy new year to you." I was about taking my key and left. The girl said : "we will see each other again, right". I smiled, and said : "absolutely". The girl is young, and at her best years. I should have asked her for a cup of coffee or a drink. Until I checked out, I held off my desire. I can't explain.
锻炼: 年底休假,终于开始了新一年的resolution。新一年,健康。我开始了每天早上:马步,金刚功,拉筋。连了一周下来,效果有一点。我要坚持。
人性本善: 我逃避了可能的ONS。以往,我可能会。但我看到那张青春无邪,如花似玉的脸,和洁白的笑。我心底的demon和挣扎。我看到了我心底还有一丝。
大了一岁: 我从不听女孩的歌,不多。但进来听了好几遍好声音萱萱的歌。不是萱萱如何,是我从不听女歌手。我发现我变温柔了,我心中那块温柔的tiny bit。也许是我老了,又狼变羊开始了。也许,我入道了。
折腾: 看了不少东西,好好静下心思考了一些。新一年忙了,fucking kick some ass and take some names! It is the time.
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