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送交者: dadahan 2014年08月25日18:34:31 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话



Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov queried why the recordings from the plane's black boxes had not been released publicly and said he had the impression that "everyone else has lost interest in the investigation." (俄国外长拉夫罗夫质问为什么到现在还没对外公布马航17的黑匣子记录。他说他感觉所有人[除俄罗斯外]都已经失去了对这架飞机的兴趣)

Dutch investigators leading the probe said early this month that they would release an initial report "in a few weeks."(荷兰负责调查坠机事件的有关人员这个月早些时候说,他们将在几个星期内提供一份调查的初步报告)

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 exploded over insurgent-held east Ukraine on July 17, killing all 298 on board, with the West accusing Russia-backed separatists of shooting it down and Moscow blaming Kiev.(马航这架波音777客机7月17日飞越反政府军控制的乌克兰东部地区时发生爆炸,机上298人全部死亡。西方指责俄罗斯支持的反政府分离分子击落了这架客机,而俄罗斯坚持基辅应该对坠机事件负责)

The aircraft's black boxes have been shipped to Farnborough in Britain to be examined by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch.(飞机上的黑匣子已经运到英国的Farnborough,由航空事故调查机构调查)

"No one has told us anything coherent about the reasons why the recordings of the black boxes cannot be released fully," Lavrov said at a televised briefing in Moscow.(拉夫罗夫在莫斯科的一个电视访谈中抱怨,对于为什么不能公布黑匣子的完整记录,没有任何方面给过我们一个合理的解释)

He also queried why Ukraine had not yet provided recordings of conversations between air traffic controllers in the nearby airport of Dnepropetrovsk.(拉夫罗夫还抱怨,不知道为什么乌克兰方面仍然没有公布当时附近机场空管和飞机的通话录音)

He said that Russia had contacted the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the United Nations' aviation agency, which has set up a task force to draw up recommendations over the crash, but that "so far there is nothing transparent to be seen there either."(他说,俄罗斯一直和国际民航组织以及联合国航空机构保持联系。这些机构已经为这次空难成立了一个工作小组,但是迄今为止,俄罗斯方面对这些机构做了什么仍然不清楚)

Lavrov suggested that the probe had failed to find evidence of Russia's involvement in downing the plane in July as it flew over rebel-controlled territory of eastern Ukraine.(拉夫罗夫指出,所有这些机构都不能提供这架飞越乌克兰东部而坠毁的民航飞机与俄罗斯有任何关联)

He said that those who had initially made "accusations verging on hysteria against Russia and the rebels" had now fallen silent and "seemed to have swallowed their tongues."(他说,那些当初指责俄罗斯和反政府武装的人,现在全哑巴了,他们似乎把已经拉出的屎又缩了回去)

The search for body parts at the crash site has been suspended since early August since investigators were unable to continue working amid heavy fighting in the area.(在坠机地点搜索飞机残骸的工作自8月初就暂停了。现在那片区域战况激烈,继续搜索工作根本不可能)

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