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红山狼: 稀饭第四周市场动态
送交者: 红山狼 2015年09月30日06:13:42 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

1. 蓝马前三周每周都勤恳寻觅,却是前后左右找不到门路白忙活,怒。本周使出69式,一举拿下女兵的替身,终于有所收获,喜。。。 可是看看到手的货竟是几乎无人问津,心下疑惑自己怀里抱的是不是人妖啊?

2. Chris Johnson被勇心39刀买走,让排在后面的老顾山狼无可奈何: money talks, 钱包不鼓没办法。

3. 子怡姐回手拿下小蓝,可是听说列宁同志要回来主持工作了耶。。。不过鉴于德军的现状和列宁同志的身体情况,小蓝可能和列宁同志共同主持工作。

4. 感谢兵哥23刀砍走Clay,否则他被袜饭拿去得把我吓个半死。

5. 子怡姐17刀拿下Ginn不错,是个潜力股。

6. 哲老16刀拿下马修也是付好手铐。

7. 蓝马9刀买Britt,看到老树发芽了。。。

8. 竟然没人抢Flacco。。。 这8刀又打水漂了。

9. 石头竟然出2刀买Rawls,让蓝马笑得牙酸。

10. 胖哥两刀拿下Brown 的老K,也是POOL里最好的老K了,值。

11. 老假最后出来捡点便宜,蚂蚁依旧归然不动。

1. Team Big Horse Thomas Rawls, Sea RB $69 Added. 
2. SF TRANSFORMERS Chris Johnson, Ari RB $39 Added. TF dropped Shane Vereen, NYG RB to Waivers.
  ZYJ Chance gardener Chris Johnson, Ari RB $27 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
3. ZYJ Chance gardener Alfred Blue, Hou RB $27 Added. ZYJ dropped Davante Adams, GB WR to Waivers.
  ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Chris Johnson, Ari RB $26 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
4. Team 老白菜帮 Charles Clay, Buf TE $23 Added. Rose dropped Richard Rodgers, GB TE to Waivers.
  New Pats Charles Clay, Buf TE $20 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  Team Stone Chris Johnson, Ari RB $18 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
5. ZYJ Chance gardener Ted Ginn Jr., Car WR $17 Added. ZYJ dropped Darrius Heyward-Bey, Pit WR to Waivers.
  DALC Cows Thomas Rawls, Sea RB $17 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  ZYJ Chance gardener Thomas Rawls, Sea RB $16 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  DALC Cows Chris Johnson, Ari RB $16 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
6. DALC Cows Ryan Mathews, Phi RB $16 Added. DALC dropped Fred Jackson, Sea RB to Waivers.
  Team HappyCultivate Alfred Blue, Hou RB $10 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
7. Team Big Horse Kenny Britt, StL WR $9 Added. bh dropped Torrey Smith, SF WR to Waivers.
8. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Joe Flacco, Bal QB $8 Added. LANG dropped Colin Kaepernick, SF QB to Waivers.
  ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Ted Ginn Jr., Car WR $2 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
9. Team Mt. FAT Josh Brown, NYG K $2 Added. FAT dropped Dan Bailey, Dal K to Waivers.
  Team Stone Thomas Rawls, Sea RB $2 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
  ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Charles Clay, Buf TE $1 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
10. Team Stone Brian Quick, StL WR $1 Added. 
  Team Stone Ted Ginn Jr., Car WR $1 Unsuccessful.  Reason: Player has already been added to another team.
11. ♦ KaiXinLang ♦ Willie Snead, NO WR $0 Added. LANG dropped Brandon Coleman, NO WR to Waivers.
12. Team HappyCultivate Charles Sims, TB RB $0 Added. HPCV dropped Damien Williams, Mia RB to Waivers.

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