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送交者: Mayi 2015年12月15日16:06:24 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
● Eli Manning threw four incompletions. To put that in perspective, he also threw four touchdowns. Not good enough. 
Where did Lamar Miller go in the second half? Miller dominated the first half with two highlight-reel touchdown runs and then was barely used the rest of the way. 
● The run defense continues to be a problem. They gave up 92 yards on Monday night, including a couple backbreaking runs down the stretch. 
● Reshad Jones led all players with 11 tackles. 
● Jarvis Landry had 11 receptions for 99 yards. He was targeted 18 times. 
● The Dolphins were 7-16 on third downs. The only problem was that the Giants were 5-11. Neither team could get off the field when it counted. 

● No sacks on Eli Manning. The pass rush was non-existent for most of the night.

I like Campbell but last night was the first time that I saw Campbell go off during a game. Miami throws to the same receiver 90%(?) of the time. The QB has to adjust to his receivers. Brady throws the ball to a location and if his WR's don'tcatch the ball some unknown takes his place and excels.

sad but ESPN and NFL billed this game as Landry v Beckham .. instead of Giants v Dolphins... Tannehill needs to be in charge on the field and look thru all receivers not just one .. landry caught 10 passes but of the other 8 Im not sure he was the best choice. and a couple of those WR screens were stupid .. the Giants knew it was coming so check off it and throw something else .. like set the screen but then throw to a TE off the back side in the seam as the LB bite on the screen...

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