Warriors' Kerr to return for Game 2 vs. Cavs
Golden State coach Steve Kerr will come back to the Warriors' bench Sunday night for Game 2 of the NBA Finals against the Cavaliers.
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2017NBA总决赛第二场: 骑士-勇士 |
送交者: Mayi 2017年06月04日15:38:41 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
科尔回来了,game is over
Warriors' Kerr to return for Game 2 vs. CavsGolden State coach Steve Kerr will come back to the Warriors' bench Sunday night for Game 2 of the NBA Finals against the Cavaliers. Warriors head coach Steve Kerr confirms he'll return to the sidelines, saying in a pregame news conference: "I'm feeling better. I'm feeling more like I did at the end of the regular season. ... I'll be out there tonight and the intention is to go the rest of the series." Kerr arrives at Oracle.Warriors coach Steve Kerr has been missing from the sideline since the first round.
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