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Miami Meat?
送交者: 王利民 2023年06月10日12:14:47 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Miami Meat?

By Limin Wang

June 10, 2023

I do NOT know what Erik Spoelstra has coached Heat players about their defenses and offenses during the ‘2023 NBA playoffs. A lot of moments were hard for a Heat fan to watch of the done 4 games. Now it comes to the brink of 1-4! Heat WANTS TO PLAY THE CHALLENGE of overcoming a 1-3 deficit in NBA Finals? Otherwise, Ron DeSanditis, please bus them to the Western Conference for the one-way moving.

It’s Heat’s GARBAGE-QUALITY DEFENSE that has brought them the current do-or-die situation. WHY THE FUCK YOU DID NOT GO CLOSE-IN ONE-ON-ONE DEFENSE on Nuggets all the time? There is NO NEED to double on ANY Nuggets player, while there is NO EXCUSE to leave any Nuggets player NOT DEFENDED. Only the Heat player who is defending the Nuggets player HAVING the ball should defend the opponent AND the ball, trying to prevent a scoring or assistance as well as to attempt a steal BY ALL MEANS; the other four Heat players on court should BURN the RESPONSIBILITY CONCEPT into their minds to DEFEND THEIR ASSIGNED opponent players, so CLOSE IN AND/OR CHASE DOWN YOUR ASSIGNED DEFENDEE, NEVER PAY TOO MUCH OR TOO LONG ATTENTION TO THE BALL WHILE IT’S NOT IN YOUR ARMS’ REACH YET. If Heat implements this defense strategy, Nuggets’ SCORING WILL PLUMMET LIKE NUGGETS.

About the offense, ALL five Heat players ON the court should ALWAYS have the BURNING MOTIVE to SCORE, by screening, by ALTERNATIVELY moving --- for scoring opportunity and for eluding the defense and for creating distraction --- or lurking or sneaking, by pick-n-rolling, by EXECUTING the sub-split-second of opportunity to assist a dunk, by EXPECTING to get the ball to SHOOT as long as you FEEL CONFIDENT and thus SHOOT WITHOUT ANY HESITATION OR REGRET. Your TEAM’s one possession is NOT done while the ball is still in the air, so ALL five Heat players need their INDIVIDUAL FOLLOW-UPS to either ensure the scoring, or get the rebound, or prevent a fast transit. A Heat player or two should always “APPRECIATE” Nuggets’ paint area during Heat’s each offense. The THREE LAYERS of offense, the 3-point arch, mid-field, and under-the-basket, should always have some Heat players, and the transitions of the ball and the players will make the offense sharper and make the defense looser.

HEAT, TRY IT. Cleveland Cavaliers did overcome a 1-3 hole in ‘2016 NBA Finals over Golden State Warriors.

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