大胜还是小胜,看上去都很美? |
送交者: 谁与争疯 2008年01月29日01:52:11 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
不过这还不是最最让人郁闷的,屋漏偏逢连夜雨的是,蚂蚁居然在俺前面抢走了Rush!!!!!! 按照咱们的Overall standing排名,上周蚂蚁明明是倒数第4,刚好排在俺前面一位。给nba.com写了N封信后,谜团终于解开了。。。
根据俺的分析,这个排名是基于季后赛Tiebreak的,也就是说是以当前的成绩来计算可能的季后赛座次的。 下面举个例子。假设按照本周的成绩计算,同样是.462的胜率,但进入季后赛的是蚂蚁而不是金刚,为啥呢? ……Your league is setup to run weekly so your waiver order is actually created right before waivers run every Friday at 1PM ET. That order is based on W/L record as of Friday at 1PM ET……You can't go off your priority list since it resets each time your waivers run and it's based on record……We can tell you that we're looking into ways to post up the waiver order after Standings run each week for this type of waiver setting so at least you see the order ahead of time. 既然明明是根据胜率的Standing排名,那科比上周不是在蚂蚁后面码?nba.com的回信让人颇感郁闷: ……The standings for those two teams are essentially interchangeable, since they are tied statistically. However the system for waivers has to make a choice, and the "points for" catagory was used to determine the difference. Super Ants have 49 points for, while Who Is Kobe has 50. NND,Waive的时候却祭出小项得分的大旗。上周科比和蚂蚁的胜负场次分别是50/57和49/56,也就是说,蚂蚁的实际总得分和科比一样,少了1个胜场,但多了2个平局。恰恰就是这不计分数2个平局,帮助蚂蚁在科比前面抢走了Rush! 前不久还有教练对新规则理解有偏差,以为小项平局是件坏事,因为似乎得到的“点数”平白无故地少了。 现在看上去,胜得少似乎看上去更美,不是吗? --------------------
比如本周同是8胜5负的湖人、S7D、野狼三队。先看了一下他们的相互交手关系: nba.com的回信如下: In a three way tie head to head in dismissed and the total points scored is then the next tie-breaker. K!原来写程序的老兄偷懒了,三方平局不管是不是存在连环套,一律靠小分解决问题。所以在这种情况下,小分又突然变得重要起来了。。。 写了这么多废话,希望没把您绕晕了。总之早点整明白总没坏事,大伙儿有问题也可以直接向nba.com反映。 |
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