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Rockets-Knicks 观后感
送交者: 非礼 2002年12月28日15:35:33 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

今天中午和朋友一起出去吃饭,谈起今晚rockets的比赛。 朋友说今天对knicks应该没有问题吧? 我说这个难说,knicks和heat都是Riely一手调教出来的死缠烂打的典型。上回在miami就没占到便宜,今天只怕也够呛。晚上一看,果然rockets打得既沉闷又无章法。居然被knick这个联盟殿底的烂队压着打。输的一塌糊涂,命中率联30%都不到, 实在是可叹之至。先说姚明,现在发现对付姚明的最好办法就是用小个队员来防。这么多场球下来,凡是对7footers, 如robinson,miller,candi man,divac,更不用提bradley, 姚明都是要风得风,要雨得雨, 要命得命。一旦对方身高不足七尺,麻烦就大了,najera is only 6-8, grant 6-9, and kurt thomas 6-9. all of them gave a ton of trouble to Yao ming, The reason? samller players are faster and can front yao ming much easier than taller players, and once fronted, Yao ming's teamate can rarely lobe the ball inside. and sometimes even when Yao ming caught the ball inside with good positions, he failed to capitalize it with a dunk over those much smaller players, but more often tried to head fake and do up and under moves to draw the defenders off their feet, however, it is far more difficult to fake samller players away and try to go under them. The solution? like Shaq, dunk it over them! However, this is alot easier to say so, in reality, unless you have a body like Shaq, it is very difficult to work above those smaller players, once you strech your body over them, your center of gravity gets higher and people can easily push you away from the basket or simply put a body on you and make you lose your balance. Yao ming definitely has to learn how to work over smaller players.By the way, I have a feeling that the best small forward for rockets is not Posey, not rice either, but should be Nachbar! He only played for two minutes, but I saw his potential: on his first possesion he dished a perfect entry pass to Yao ming and the latter score easily in the lane, when attempting another entry pass to yao ming in the post on his second touch of the ball, his defender went double team Yao to deny the entry pass, he simply let go a rainbow for a 3 ponit swish. It seems to me he understands the game and have solid fundmentals---the entry passs to posts is not trivial at all, to pass it at the right time and let your post player catch at the right position is an art. most USA players coming out of street ball playing, like Mobley, have no idea how to deliver the ball inside, often the timing is off and Yao ming is pushed way off his optimal positions.sigh, let's hope the best...

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