有关火箭队,这个挺逗的: |
送交者: pelican 2011年02月26日23:03:28 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
火箭队全面换血,只剩下俩老队友。。。四克拉和马丁的得分数据都很好,联盟前20(?)。Chuck ... 连廖化都不如,不过可能性价比不错。
Rockets coach Rick Adelman: "I look at the team today. In 3 1/2 years since I came here, we have only two guys left, Luis (Scola) and Chuck (Hayes.) That’s not a lot of stability. I came to coach Yao (Ming) and Tracy (McGrady) and ended up with Luis and Chuck. It is kind of amazing those are the only two guys left. " |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2010: | 冬奥搭台:短道速滑收官之战 | |
2010: | gobelieve:趁着棒子的东风 | |
2009: | 骑士 - 火箭 | |
2009: | 表扬我自己一下,从Anderson到周老虎。 | |
2008: | 树死人活 | |
2008: | 简评一下周日的换将序列 | |
2007: | 永远不黑司机 | |
2007: | 你是猪吗? | |