阿珂: BSO |
送交者: 阿珂 2011年09月09日20:43:45 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
到这新公司两年了,第一次在周五的时候穿了钢人的球衣来上班。三番这地方,一是比较杂,城里一大半是9er的饭,里面参杂了一些雷达饭。二呢,没几个人真正迷NFL,也就起起哄。所以周五一般没穿球衣上班的习俗,不像匹兹堡,一到了周五就是black and gold day。
我到三番的第一年没穿过球衣,毕竟刚到一个陌生的地方,小心谨慎点比较好,不能太张扬。 第二年也没穿过,肚子里有了宝宝,那件kids size的86号根本没可能。 今年就不一样了,上上下下至少咱都混了个脸熟。今天又是casual day,新来一同事是个雷达饭,穿了气气她,不穿白不穿! OK,回到BSO来 下班回家时,电梯里还有另外一个部门的大头。老头子一看我穿了件Steelers球衣,电梯一关就开问。 "Who is the Steelers playing this weekend?" 我:"Baltimore ravens" "What is the line?" 我:"1.5, very tight indeed."暗自庆幸 还好今天早上在Bloomberg上看了一眼本周NFL的spread "Not bad!" 我:"You think I am a fake one, only the jersey is real, right?" (笑,有点狡猾有点撒娇的那种) "hahaha...Are you from Pittsburgh?" "Not really, but I lived there for almost 9 years, I went to ___ school there." "Great school, very nice." "Yes, but in the winter time, there is really nothing except the Steelers, you know, that's how they make you a crazy fan." "But there is still January to March." "Well, I always hope it's only February to March" (停顿了一下) "which means we make it to the Super Bowl, you know." (可能有点多余) "haha, I know..." 电梯到一楼了 老头:"Have a good weekend, I hope the Steelers win." 我:"Thanks, you have a great weekend too." 乐呵乐呵,得意地走向我的小车。。。 |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2010: | GO,猪不理,GO,宝石,GO,圣人! GO | |
2010: | 折腾一下: NFL 2010 赛季展望 | |
2009: | 美网男单:小费-索德林 | |
2009: | Julie之雷人故事(1) | |
2008: | 去奥兰多跑长跑 | |
2008: | 力刀: 我的球迷观--小费美网夺冠之后感 | |