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GNBQCMPY: 春,夏,秋,冬 (2) - 夏
送交者: GNBQCMPY 2013年03月07日09:20:40 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话









"I remember the day vividly. Morning greetings turned into small talks, and then to more serious discussions. When we were talking about the universe and the meaning of life, I brought up God, God's creations, and paradise on earth, knowing that you were not religious. You responded with an explanation of your understanding of Aristotle's 'fiery soul' and 'loving heart'. The soul soars, reaching for light, searching for truth, and looking for beauty; the heart feels and connects; the love binds everything together. This ancient sage created such profoundly beautiful thoughts before Christ's time, without the help of a religious belief. I felt that a door was re-opened for me to a wonderful world that I had long forgotten. You struck a chord deep in my heart that had never been touched before. I was shocked by how easily we connected and how thoroughly we understood each other, even though we seemed so different.  That day I entered a dreamy state, thinking that from then on I would never again be alone in the world."

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