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xxlfm: 李嘉诚与肝
送交者: xxlfm 2013年03月28日08:56:37 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

三月疯真成了三月游了,蚂蚁很生气的说! 是的,让我们心中嫉妒眼中羡慕口中流水,又游有吃,还让我们活吗?!

去年去常规检查,医生大惊:你这么常去中国,居然没有打甲乙肝苗(hepatitis A and B)!我说咋了,甲肝防吃,乙肝放乱搞,我一不吃,二不搞,怕啥!我想老虎古董啥的一定早早打了,可以敞开了快活:)害得我去打了甲乙肝苗,小500块还分好几次,好在单位报销。常在想有没有啥苗针,一针全管了?


我校的校长雄心勃勃,要2020,就是be Top 20 by 2020!所以我所在部门剑指蓝天,从MIT请了高人来管,懂行的都知道我的部门了吧:Advancement Service,中文还真不好翻译,就是对外公关要钱的,呵呵。

由于老李的28M,我校医学院的教授搞丙肝疫苗(hepatitis C)成功在望,老李与肝的关系大家明白吧,肝问题解决了,我们村里的吃手是不是该横行天下而无后顾之忧了呢!


Michael Houghton   

        Li Ka Shing Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry   

        Michael Houghton talks about his work since 1982, which has helped create new drugs that will be highly effective at curing patients and preventing severe forms of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.   

In the last 50 years, we have made tremendous strides in understanding and protecting humankind from viral hepatitis. Despite this, the problem persists. There are thousands of new hepatitis C virus infections every year in Canada, and millions globally, so we need a vaccine urgently.

The good news is that my team at the University of Alberta has made real progress in fighting this disease, long considered a challenge similar to finding a vaccine for HIV.

Our work has shown that a vaccine from a single strain of hepatitis C can neutralize all of the many highly variable strains of the virus occurring around the world. It tells us that a single hepatitis C vaccine really is possible and can be developed right here at the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology at the University of lberta.

Our hepatitis screening blood tests have already prevented millions of infections around the world. The new drugs we’re developing will be highly effective at curing patients and preventing severe forms of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

I now have confidence we will be able to effectively control this global disease.

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