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送交者: 沙龙桥委会 2004年06月04日07:45:23 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

1. Software Setup
Download the free Bridge Base Online (BBO) software from www.bridgebase.com and install it on your PC.

2. Tournament Registration for Partnership
BOTH you AND your partner must register together for the tournament before the starting time. Both of you must log on to BBO. The procedure is for one of you to
1) Click "Play Bridge!"
2) Click "Tournaments";
3) Click on (Choose) the tournament you want to play (#371 Pairs Sports Salon Match)
4) Click "Registration";
5) Fill your partner's ID in the box;
6) Click "Request registration".
Your partner (who is online at Bridge Base) will receive an invitation right away. He/she must accept it to finish your registration.

3. Playing in the Tournament
1) If you successfully finish your registration with a partner, then you will be automatically transferred to your assigned table when the tournament starts.
2) When the tournament starts, you should not be playing in any other tournament or team match.
3) When a new round starts, you will be automatically transferred to the table assigned to you for that round.
4) If you ar experiencing any trouble, you may click "Call TD" on the upperleft corner to notice the Tournament Director, who will come to your table soon.

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