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送交者: 季牧龙 2014年05月09日08:03:55 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Illegitimate Kyiv authorities have already announced her hunt. But she is not afraid of any threats and attacks, because whole Crimea and Russia stand by her. Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya strongly believes Beauty will save the world. Her birth day 18 March 1980, is also the birthday of Russian Crimea (after the reunification of the Crimea and Russia). After assuming the office of Prosecutor of Crimea on 11 March 2014, Poklonskaya held a press conference later that day. She said “I agreed (to become a prosecutor of Crimea) after all that I’ve seen in Kiev, everything that’s done by the new leadership of the country, for me it was weird”.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

“I could not tolerate this lawlessness and wanted to show people that there is a protection that is the law and all are equal before it. And the government also exists. We must act in the interests of the people, and not in the interests of certain groups and people. People were just zombified on Independence. What a peaceful demonstration when they with bats and guns stormed the state institutions?”

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya

I want my child to live in an honest country, and not in Bandera’s, treacherous Nazi. I was ashamed that I am a citizen of that state. Grandmother called me and cried: the time when there was an occupation returned. She is 86. She remembers the Germans and Ukrainian policemen. I am not going to serve these criminals. When I think about it, there is no fear.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya

Despite her youth and good looks, Poklonskaya has 12 years of experience in law enforcement, she investigated a number of terrible crimes. Natalia Poklonskaya is divorced, gas a daughter.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya

“I support new Crimea – it ‘s beautiful!”

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya

Poklonskaya soon caught attention on the Internet because of her attractiveness. The beautiful prosecutor has lots of fans in Russia and abroad. She even inspired Japanese artists to draw anime cartoons with her images.

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Back home! Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya's fans

Creativity of Natalia Poklonskaya’s fans

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