We recommend that all managers take advantage of our pre-rank feature. If you are signed up for a live draft, it is still a good idea to use this feature as these rankings will be used to pick players if you cannot make it to part or all of your draft.
When you do rank, it is important to remember that you do not want to rank players position by position (e.g., all point guards, then all centers, etc.) If you were to do this, the autopick system will first fill your starting positions and then attempt to draft all of your ranked point guards before considering any of the centers (even if an outstanding center is available).
The goal is to set up one master list where you rank players relative to one another regardless of position. With this master list, you will select your top-rated player as long as he is available and you have an open roster spot.
Until you change the rankings, they will default to our predetermined order. If you are happy with that order, you do not need to re-rank players.
Also, please remember that you do not need to rank all of the players. Anyone left unranked will be added to the end of your rank list according to the default rankings. So, if you rank only 20 players -- and most coaches rank at least this many -- player 21 automatically defaults to the best player left based on our default rankings, player 22 is the second best, etc.