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送交者: Mayi 2014年10月14日14:00:56 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Police clash with rowdy demonstrators outside parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, as deputies repeatedly voted down proposals to officially recognize a contentious WWII-era partisan group as national heroes. Thousands of Svoboda nationalist party supporters rallied in Kiev earlier in the day in celebration of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, but officials from the party denied vehemently that its members were involved in the unrest.(AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavkov)

The protesting crowd wanted controversial WWII nationalist partisans to be recognised as heroes

Svoboda and Right Sector flags were held aloft as violence broke out

A view from inside parliament shows a huge crowd outside confronting policeAt the nationalist rally activists chanted "revolution" and "glory to Ukraine"

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