15.2.3 歡喜佛 Consummation Buddha |
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(1 良心讓狗吃了 Kind Heart was Eaten by a Dog)阿克泰翁雖然沒見過宙斯,但在和戴安娜相親之後,發現了宙斯暗中指使人在自己的生活中搗亂。多年以後,他聽說宙斯過世了,就病了,回憶出自己的病與和戴安娜相親見面有關,氣憤不已。阿克泰翁還是得面對現實,尋求治療,發現自己患了“神病”,被女神刺激傷了,從而分析出了宙斯是上帝。 Although Actaeon had never met Zeus, after his blind date with Diana, he discovered that Zeus was secretly instigating people to cause trouble in his life. Years later, when he hears that Zeus has passed away, he becomes ill and recalls that his illness was related to the blind date meeting with Diana, is furious. Actaeon still has to face reality, seeks treatment, and discovers that he is suffering from the "Illness of God" (such as being attacked by Holly Ghost), wounded by the goddess' stimulations, thus analyzes Zeus as a god. 阿克泰翁還發現,他之所以知道這些事情,是因為宙斯秘密安排的使者教導了他; 宙斯把他當作自己的兒子一樣撫養長大,而且他從小就崇拜宙斯,所以他們倆有事實的父子關係。阿克泰翁患有精神疾病,將失去十年的生命,宙斯已經因此失去十年的生命; 他犯了逆罪(參見13.1.1 節《地獄趣》)。 Actaeon also discovered that he knew these things because the messengers secretly arranged by Zeus taught him; Zeus raised him as his own son, and he admired Zeus since he was a child, so they two have factual father-and-son relationship. Actaeon suffers from mental illness, will lose ten years of his life, and Zeus had lost ten years of his life already; he has committed CRIMES OF ANTI (see Section 13.1.1 Hell Interest). 阿克泰翁覺得“自己的良心被狗吃了”(如圖15.2.3-23),沒良心;因為他只是個普通人,宙斯要把公主戴安娜嫁給他,這並沒有虧待他。於是,阿克泰翁決定放棄自己以前的人生,重新做人,去娶代理國王戴安娜!講故事的人就說阿克泰翁的屍體被狗吃了(如圖41)。笑話!那戴安娜能同意嗎? Actaeon feels that "his own kind heart was eaten by a dog" (shown in Figure 15.2.3-23), without kind heart; because he is just an ordinary person, Zeus wanted to marry princess Diana to him, which was not unfair to him. So, he decided to give up his previous life, starts a new life, and weds the acting king Diana! The storyteller said that Actaeon's body was eaten by his own dog (Figure 41). Joke! Can Diana agree? (2 不得不低頭Have to Bow Down)戴安娜作為代理國王,在等待上帝(即七色鹿佛,阿克泰翁)歸來完婚;她願意與否?顯然嫁給阿克泰翁可以讓戴安娜的屁股名正言順地坐在王位上;若不喜歡他,婚禮之後,可以把他鎖起來。墨西哥(金童,亞當,約於公元1325年)就懂這個:如圖39,新婚之夜,他帶着鹿帽,在給翠玉女(玉女、夏娃)舔腳。 As the acting king, Diana was waiting for God (i.e. Actaeon, Seven-Color Deer Buddha) to return to consummate the marriage; is she willing? Obviously marrying Actaeon would allow Diana's ass to sit on the throne legitimately; if she didn't like him, she could lock him up after the wedding. Mexico (Gold Boy, Adam, circa A.D. 1325) understood this: as in Illustration 39, he is wearing a deer cap, licking the feet of Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl, Eve) on their wedding night. (3 魔身天 Demon Body Sky)插圖40是歡喜佛的示意圖,亦作魔身天(在插圖9的他化天中)。鹿是說阿克泰翁和戴安娜對宙斯的死都是有責任的,因此把自己比喻成了鹿,畜生。另外也彰顯了上帝(即圖8的大神天)已經達到了無窮善,任何人或生物在上帝面前都是有罪的。旁邊那個跪着的裸體女人是什麼意思?因為男人的陰莖不對女神勃起,所以戴安娜安排了個幫忙的,來讓阿克泰翁興奮。 Illustration 40 is a schematic diagram of the Consummation Buddha, aka. Demon Body Sky, which is inside the fig. 9, “It Converted Sky”. The deer means that both Actaeon and Diana were responsible for the death of Zeus, so they compared themselves to beastly deer. And it also shows that God (that is, the Great God Sky of Figure 8) has reached infinite goodness, and any person or creature is guilty before God. What is the naked woman kneeling next to them? Because man's penis is not erect for Goddess, so Diana arranged for a helper to excite Actaeon. 阿克泰翁身體上的多種疾病是由心理疾病引起的,而他的心理疾病的起因是和戴安娜的婚姻糾紛。圓房是此婚姻的事實“現量”(解釋參見11.4.5節),是對他的心理疾病的直接治療,因為無意識(古作神識)只接受“現量”。 Many of Actaeon's physical ailments were caused by mental illness, and the cause of his mental illness was his marital dispute with Diana. The consummation of the marriage is the PRESENT QUANTITY (for explanation, see Section 11.4.5) of this marriage, it is a direct treatment for his mental illness, because the unconscious (ancient as God-sense) only accepts the PRESENT QUANTITY. 戴安娜自幼立誓(誓言參考16.1節的菩提心可知),跟隨父親宙斯造人,因此宙斯身患多種疾病,比正常的預期壽命少活了十年,所以她也為此留下了心理創傷,她的誓言成為了一個“不能返悔的誓言”。移除戴安娜心理創傷的方法就是嫁給阿克泰翁,圓房的事實現量可以了結“不能返悔的誓言”。在二人圓房之後,倆人基本上都脫離了聖鬼的威脅。聖鬼是由此造人事業產生的極端的癔症現象。 Diana made a Vow (refer to Bodhi-Heart in Section 16.1 for the oath) since she was a child to follow her father Zeus in creating humans. As a result, Zeus suffered from many diseases and lived ten years less than the normal life expectancy, so she also suffered psychological trauma from this, and her vow became an "Unbreakable Vow". The way to remove Diana's psychological trauma is to marry Actaeon. The factual PRESENT QUANTITY of consummating the marriage can finally end the "Unbreakable Vow". After the two consummated their marriage, both of them were basically free from the threat of the holy ghost. Holy ghosts are extreme hysterical phenomena resulting from this creation of human beings. (4丘比特 Cupid or Eros)阿克泰翁和戴安娜圓房之後,就和宙斯形成了一個新的上帝三合和(參見10.9 節《三位一體》),即成為了一個新的大神天(如圖8所示)。當痛苦有了意義,痛苦就消失了,因此阿克泰翁和戴安娜為父親宙斯修廟著書,流傳千古的《丘比特》就誕生了(如插圖35)。此書被翻譯成了漢語為《愛經》,亦名《業經》,後來被改名為《集諦》(參見第14章),是佛教中的邪行真如,是佛教哲學和智慧的核心。 After Actaeon and Diana consummated their marriage, they formed a new Godly Trinity with Zeus (see 10.9 Godly Trinity), which is a new Great God Sky (as shown in Figure 8). When suffer has meaning, bitter disappears, so Actaeon and Diana built a temple for their father Zeus and wrote a book, Eros (see illustration 35). This book was translated into Chinese as the Love Sutra, also known as the Karma Sutra, and was later renamed the Aggregate Crux (see Chapter 14). It is the true suchness of ferocious behaviors in Buddhism, is the core of Buddhist philosophy and intelligence. ↪️返回第15章《滅諦》的目錄↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 15 Salvation Crux |
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