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15.3.2 王舍城 King House City
送交者: 卢岩 2024年02月13日20:08:52 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

15.3.2-1 业林 Karmic Groves

根据古罗马人对日耳曼人的描述,他们做什么事都在树林里进行!据记载,基督教传教士圣博尼法斯在 8 世纪砍伐了一棵献给朱夫的橡树,即德国黑森州的多纳尔橡树。笔者认为他们所说的树林就是我们佛教所说的业林,是佛教界人士对佛教社区的称呼。由此推断,古日耳曼人称男人为男林,女人为女林,学者为翰林,烦恼重的人为稠林。那黑森林是什么?

According to the ancient Romans' description of the Germanic people, "They did everything in the groves!" According to records, the Christian missionary Saint Boniface cut down an oak tree dedicated to "Juf" in the 8th century, that is, Donner oak tree in Hesse (Black Grove), Germany. The author believes that the Groves they are talking about is what we call Karmic Groves in Buddhism, which is what Buddhists call the Buddhist community. It can be inferred from this that the ancient Germanic people called men as Male Grove, women as Female Grove, scholars Literary Groves, and people with heavy annoyances as Dense Groves. Then what is the Black Grove?


Thor divided the unconscious into two parts, the immaculate part is God-sense, which is white; the polluted part is Adam-sense, which is black. Therefore, Adam is black. For example, Islam calls Mount Sumeru (i.e. Adam created by Allah) the Black-Head Man, and ancient Mexicans call Mount Mexico (i.e. Gold Boy, Tlaloc, created by Huitzilopochtli) as Great Black Sky. It can be inferred from this that the ancient Germans worshiped the Black Grove because Thor’s godson and the primogenitor of the Germanic people, Tanngnjóstr (i.e. Adam), was famed Black Grove.

15.3.2 王舍城 King House City.jpg


Legend has it that for a period of time, Thor had to cross two rivers every day to go to the top of the Tree of Life to serve as judge (Figures 35, 36, 37); and his opponents, the Asians, did go through the Rainbow Bridge. The author me believes that Thor was perfecting his design of the Great-Grand Worlds at that time.


The Rainbow Bridge in Figure 37, by the author I believe that is the Philosopher-Stone Bridge, aka. Arrival Ark is an alias for Buddha. Tanngnjóstr in this article is neither the first Buddha nor the last, is Buddhist primogenitor Shakyamuni Buddha. The swastika on Shakyamuni's chest (Figure 38) represents Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (see fig. 1 to 22), that he, Thor, and Tanngrisnir created together. The swastika, Figure 39, is said to be a symbol of Thor.

作者我阅读网上关于雷音的介绍,结合我对佛经中雷音的理解,雷音设计的大千世界共有900位法。现代的佛教采用的是100位法(参见第11章),是由唐玄奘(662-664CE)从四千位法中整理归类得出来的。图35中间部分,即图33Midgard),是佛教的中土。雷音在中土的宫殿就是我们佛教中所说的王舍。王舍有460个房间,代表雷音创造的大千世界有460位心所有法,而这460个房间的门就是佛教 “法门” 一词的起源。

The author, who I read online about Thor, combined with my understanding of Thor in the Buddhist sutras, Thor designed the Great-Grand Worlds to have a total of 900 laws. Modern Buddhism uses the 100 positions of laws (see Chapter 11), which was derived by Tang Tripitaka (662-664CE) from the 4,000 positions of laws. The middle part of Fig. 35, Fig. 33 (Midgard), is the Buddhist Middle Earth. Thor's palace in the Middle Earth is what we call in Buddhism the King's House. There are 460 rooms in King's House, which represent the 460 positions of Heartland Laws in the Great-Grand Worlds created by Thor, and the doors of these 460 rooms are the origin of the Buddhist term "juristic doors”.

15.3.2-2金刚萨锤 Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer


Thor has many Buddha fames, such as Great Sun Tathagata, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer Bodhisattva, etc. According to the legend in Chinese culture, Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer used his hammer to break the human soul stone in his Diamond Palace of the Color Finalization Sky (in Illustration 15.3.2-5), designed Adam and Eve; then what is Thor’s hammer? Illustrations to 3 are what the Norse believe to be Thor's hammer. Figure 4 is a pair of Chinese-made Thor’s Hammers. In figure 5, there are two Thor’s hammers of ancient Mexican style. The hammers in Figures 4 and 5 are actually two handled metal jars with tuning forks inside, which makes a thunderous sound when struck.

15.3.2-2 金刚萨锤 Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer.jpg


According to Nordic legend, one day when a god came, Thor slaughtered Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir, stewed them, and entertained the god with mutton. After the god left, Thor used his hammer to resurrect them, and the two goats returned to normal within a day. What does it mean? Answer: This is talking about his design of Adam (i.e. Tanngnjóstr) and Eve (i.e. Tanngrisnir). Tanngnjóstr is the incarnation of the maculate part of the unconscious (i.e., Adam-sense, perception); Eve is the incarnation of the preconscious (i.e., Eve-sense). When God comes (that is, in the state of God, as shown in Figure 15.3.2-1 to 8), only a few parts of Adam-sense and Eve-sense remain (see Chapter 12 Meditation). When God left, that is, Thor came out of the state of God, Adam-sense and Eve-sense were restored; the legend said that Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir were resurrected. Looking at it this way, Thor's hammer is his head. Then if he uses his head as a hammer, he will die! Thor knew it, but he voluntarily sacrificed himself to save the world.

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