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送交者: mylawyer 2008月06月20日11:05:29 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 美簽逾期不歸 可留調整身份babicoco 於 2008-06-18 18:03:05
This post is so misleading!

The S.Ct. decision only gave the defendant a RIGHT to withdraw his voluntary departure pleading within the 30 days limit, NOT a right to stay in the US until he becomes a PR.

After this case goes down to lower courts and USCIS, the government will go ahead to find out whether he has a good excuse to stay and continue the legal fighting. This does not mean that his family-based immigration petition will automatically be approved. He only won a little more time to extend the legal fighting. If USCIS determines that his so-called \\\"new evidence\\\" cannot stand, he will be deported INVOLUNTARILY and he will no longer enjoy the benefit of vonluntary departure.
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