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送交者: Peter93 2016年07月11日13:53:34 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

Real Marriage Documentation for Interview of Permanent Green Card Application (7/11/2016)

Question: I have married with my U.S. citizen husband for more than 2 years inside the U.S. Now USCIS local office will interview us for my permanent Green Card application for the "real marriage". What find of documents I should prepare for the interview.

Answer: An alien spouse must prove that your marriage is real, not a sham just to get a Green Card. Collect and photocopy as many of the following items as possible. Do not send originals to USCIS. You should prepare the wedding invitations, church certificates, or other reliable documents that show the required relationship including:

joint bank accounts;

joint credit card statements;

joint club memberships;

joint federal and state tax returns;

copies of actual credit cards, health insurance cards, or other "joint" cards that you have together, showing same account number;

photographs of you and your spouse taken before and during your marriage, wedding photographs preferably those that include parents and other relatives from both families;



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