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送交者: alan1234 2019年06月20日02:15:17 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話



  此款 App 的功能為:在用戶所在地附近的零售實體店發現並推送與用戶匹配的商品,不僅如此,App 最大亮點在於只要去店裡逛一圈,就能獲得 App 給予的獎勵(購物積分或者禮品卡),這對喜歡在實體店逛上半天甚至一天的消費者來說簡直不能更棒了!

  “When you walk into certain stores and open the app, you get ‘kicks.’ You can scan items to get more kicks and after you get enough, you get gift cards for the store or item of your choosing, like Target, Sephora, GameStop, and Best Buy.”


  “I rarely buy ‘binge food,’ the food that I know I’ll just eat all in one night or really quickly if I have it in the cupboard. It’s usually more expensive and less healthy.”



  “To stop myself spending so much on clothes, I keep a diary of outfits I’ve worn and try to aim for a different outfit every day for a month. It makes me realize how much potential my wardrobe has instead of buying new stuff just because I’m bored with what’s in there.”



  “Before I go shopping, I get all the money I’m allowing myself to spend in cash. That way when it comes to checkout I absolutely can’t spend more than I’ve allotted.”


  “I use ebates.com and inboxdollars.com. Bing also has a nice rewards program. However much you spend, you end up getting points for it. I used some of my points to get Sephora gift cards. I believe Google has a similar program.”



  “Instead of buying lattes as Starbucks, I order a brewed coffee with a pump of whatever syrup is in the drink. It ends up tasting the same for about $2 instead of closer to five.”



  “If I’m debating on whether or not to buy, say, a shirt or pair of jeans, I ask myself if I will wear that item as many times as it costs. So if a shirt is $30, if I don’t think I will wear it at least 30 times, I will not buy it.”


  “I use black eyeshadow that already comes in a palette for eyeliner. I use an angled brush and I haven’t bought eyeliner in years! I used to spend at least $50 a year, so it adds up to something!”


  “I stopped drinking entirely and I saved so much money. Oh also, I dumped the deadbeat loser boyfriend who was taking all my money. Now I’m rich and he lives outta his new girlfriend’s car.”

  10手機必備的5miles APP也不錯哦~


  “The 5miles app is a GREat way to sell old items AND to buy new things at a fraction of the cost they would be retail.”


  “Get a Sunday newspaper subscription for $10 annually. It pays for itself in a week of coupons. I match the coupons with BOGOs (Publix FTW!) and it really adds up! The best coupons are usually on new items so you have to be willing to try different brands.”



  “I navigate my shopping trips from least expensive to most expensive store so that I can get it for less before I pay more than I need to.”

  本文由美國論文通Assignment Pass輔導網整理(https://www.assignmentpass.info)

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