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Adjusting Fees for Exchange Visitor Program
送交者: Peter93 2011年03月03日19:38:42 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

U.S. State Department Final Rule Adjusting Fees for Exchange Visitor Program: This fee change will take effect on March 26, 2011. Under the adjusted fee schedules, the fee charged to foreign nationals for a request for individual program services, such as change of program category, program extensions and reinstatements, will decrease to $233. The fee charged to U.S. corporate entities for requests for program designation, redesignation and amendments to program designation will increase to $2,700 in order to recoup the full cost of such services.

The Exchange Visitor Program Office of Designation provides services to 1,226 sponsor organizations and 350,000 Exchange Visitor Program participants. Statistically, there are Some 5,573 for-profit and tax-exempt entities that conduct foreign exchange program. Of these 1,226 Department designated entities, 933 are academic institutions and 293 are for-profit or tax-exempt entities.

SUMMARY: The Department of State is amending its regulations regarding fees and charges for Exchange Visitor Program services. The fees permit the Department to recoup the cost of providing such Exchange Visitor Program services.

DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective 30 days from February 25, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stanley S. Colvin, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, U.S. Department of State, SA-5, Floor 5, 2200 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20522, 202-632-2805, or e-mail at jexchanges@state.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department published a proposed rule, Public Notice 7077 at 75 FR 60674-60679, October 1, 2010, with a request for comments, amending Sec. 62.17 (``Fees and Charges'') containing all of the fees and charges for Exchange Visitor Program services. As explained in the proposed rule, the Department is increasing user fees charged for Exchange Visitor Program services in order to recoup the full cost of such services which are requested and performed for the benefit of foreign nationals or U.S. corporate entities.

These costs were calculated by an independent certified
public accounting firm in full compliance with the Office of Management and Budget directives regarding such user fee calculations as set forth in OMB Circular A-25.

The Department received three comments and is now promulgating a final rule with no changes from the proposed rule. Thus, the fee charged to foreign nationals for a request for individual program services, such as change of program category, program extensions and reinstatements, will decrease to $233. The fee charged to U.S. corporate entities for requests for program designation, redesignation and amendments to program designation will increase to $2,700 in order to recoup the full cost of such services.



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