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Why I don't support GOP
送交者: qazwsx 2011年07月10日18:28:51 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話
"To get a big package would require a big tax increase in the middle of an economic situation with 9.2 percent unemployment," McConnell said on "Fox News Sunday." "We think it's a terrible idea. It's a job killer."

Jobs? What do Republicans know about what makes jobs?  All they care about is taxes?  I f fact President Bush and his supporters argued that high-income tax cuts would benefit everybody because they would unleash investment that would spark widespread economic prosperity. 

There is no evidence of this. From 2000 to 2007, the United
States lost one in five (3.5 million) middle-class jobs. A majority of the new jobs created in the United States under Bush pay extremely low wages at less than $18,000 a year, usually without benefits. This is with corporate profits at an all time high since 1960.

The 2005 CBO data show that changes in law enacted since
January 2001 increased the deficit by $539 billion in 2005. In the absence of such legislation, the nation would have a surplus that year. In 2010, when all the Bush tax cuts were finally phased in, a staggering 52.5 percent of the benefits went to the richest 5 percent of taxpayers.

Republicans don’t actually stand for anything, and funny
thing is, no one asks them to.

Unemployment was 4.2% when Bush took office. When he left it was 7.8% and rising fast. Unemployment has a huge impact on the deficit. A lot of people know the national debt grew $4.9 trillion while Bush was in office, but most don't realize almost of third of that, $1.44 trillion, was accrued in the last 12 months he was in office.

Bush could have cut spending and reduced the size of
government. He could have balanced the budget. He could have spared us an expensive war in Iraq. He should have imposed a tax to pay for the war in Afghanistan. Had he done those things there would have been no need to raise the debt ceiling in 2006. But given the state of the economy Obama inherited high deficits were inevitable for several years. There was no way the budget could
be balanced under those circumstances.

Unemployment when Bush took office: 4.2%.
Unemployment when Bush left office: 7.8% and rising.

After watching the Republicans have so called debates I’m
left wondering what all these people will do fix our nation that, according to Republicans, has been destroyed by Democrats.

After watching Republicans hate on all the people who voted
for Democrats I realized this: That in order for Republicans to even get elected, they need to exploit the emotions of people using anti-gay rhetoric along with some fear mongering like “death panels” mixed with a little contentious associations such as the anti ACORN and Planned Parenthood right-wing propaganda. Throw all that in with the “Obama is a Kenyan Muslim” stuff and you get a whole lot of ignorant people throwing away their votes on the worst possible candidate.

Michel Bachman for example actively fights the teaching of
evolution in science classes. After all that science has created for humanity, Republicans will still deny any science that contradicts their, cursory but required to be elected, political beliefs. Take away these tools of fear from the Republican Party and you are left with nothing.
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