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送交者: Peter93 2014年04月26日12:59:56 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

Get Reference Letter from Independent and Well-Recognized Expert for EB-1A Application



I recently got an Request For Evidence letter from USCIS office, asking for more evidence of my "original contribution in the field", and reference letter of "independent" and "well-recognized" expert for my original contribution in the field.


I am now working at a university as a research associate. How could I get reference letter from independent and well-recognized expert for my original contribution in the field?



According to USCIS, the reference letter should come from independent and well-recognized expert, based upon his/her review of the documents that are submitted with the EB1 Extraordinary Ability application.


By "independent", the USCIS means an expert with whom the alien application has not worked before - not an employer, colleague, advisor, or client. By "well-recognized", the USCIS means a well-credentialed expert with lengthy experience in the field of endeavor.

The experience should include an advanced degree, more than ten years of experience in the field, a lengthy publication and presentation record.


Not every EB-1A application case needs the reference letter from "independent" and "well-recognized expert", especially when the alien applicant has Ph.D. degree and a lengthy publication record and several wards, which could distinguish the alien applicant from other individuals in the field.


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