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Italian President Napolitano made politi new Era
送交者: 風瀟瀟 2021年05月29日14:26:17 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話

Italian President Napolitano and Premier Renzi creates new Era

Frank  Oct. 14, 2014 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada




This article is inspired by a photo of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who personally clean up the red carpet. At Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport in Oct. 14, 2014, when waiting China's Premier Li Keqiang's official visit to Italy.


Look, 39 years old Matteo Renzi has white hair already. As a man who is in rich of rational and full of responsible, the position of Prime Minister of a country is a painstaking task, rather than as that of many others wholeheartedly enjoy political privileges and political shows. The rational action of Matteo Renzi also shows that former Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, who recommended Renzi as Prime Minister, was also rational. So, I say that they two creates a new Era.

Some band's musicians were smiling, were they appreciating, or scorning?

Italy is a great country of ancient civilization in Europe. According to Mandarin Encyclopedia - Baike. Baidu: Italy is the cradle of European culture, it bred Roman culture and Etruscan civilization with 48 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which are the largest in all of countries worldwidely, which demonstrate the smart and diligence of the Italian people.

In recent years, Italy's economy is badly weakened in serious hardships.

Feb. 22, 2014, 39 years old Matteo Renzi was appointed as Italian Prime Minister with a difficult mission to revive the economy. He said that "China and Italy are both with a glorious history, but also, are both to have a common future and the vision of development." His first official visit was China.

June 11, 2014, in China, he said with that: "Many people think efficiency (in Italy) is not so good and China has grown very fast, so we need to study from China."

June 15, 2014, in the interview of China's CCTV talk show, the host asked him, you were auction the public cars that were using by government officials on eBay, in the future, you will be auction other public thing else, such as, that too much government computers? He answered, no. We are just auction the cars because it has become a symbol of excessive power. The auction was not for money, but, we want to release a signal to citizens, which is different concept. The auction of cars is to make officials feel that they must be more cautious.

The Host asked that, you want to change many of the rules of the game in Italian government public administration, I worry that you can not shake the traditional model that was inherent in 30 years. He answered that, at the beginning, it really is difficult, people also wonder that whether I dare practice? When I met with Prime Minister Li Keqiang, he showed me the directory of China's 330 reform plans, and said that China will implement 80 reform plans every year. Well, Italy also do so, a country has a history, like a bicycle, it will be balanced only in running, if stopped, it will fall.

In 50 minutes of talk show, his replies showed quick thinking, witty and full of wisdom. I appreciated him very much.

In the afternoon of Oct. 14, 2014, at the invitation of Matteo Renzi, China's Premier Li Keqiang,  arrived at the Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport in Rome to start his official visit to Italy. Senior officials of the Italian government, China's Ambassador to Italy, and many others greeted Li Keqiang at the airport.



At this time of greeting Li Keqiang, Matteo Renzi personally clean up the red carpet.

A reporter of China captured the photo and was surprised by the pragmatic action as a Prime Minister, then cited the photo in a report. The pragmatic behaviour of Matteo Renzi was widely appreciated and the photo was widely reproduced in the website of China.

The rational action of Matteo Renzi make me think of my Mar. 31 2013 article that Italian President initiates a New Era of political, which was written after read 30 March 2013 article Italy: Napolitano invites 'select group' on cabinet: Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has named 10 selected "wise men" to work in two separate groups to offer a policy platform to end the impasse in forming a new government. His announcement ended speculation that he might resign - a day after political parties failed to agree a coalition government following February's inconclusive election.

I once made a comment at the start of the article: I would like to make a PROPHECY today that: Italy has sounded the death knell for absurd partisan politics.

Today, after learnt that Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi personally clean up the red carpet, I produce an idea that President Napolitano and Premier Renzi creates new Era for Italy.

People are advocating democratic system that based on the partisan battle. However, people seem to have ignored a vital problem, that is, parties or we may say that most of forms people grouping have been acting as garbage absorber to accumulate of irrational people who are brain defects, to help them gain social power and obtain the energy that cannot achieved as individuals, and even the power of State Apparatus to ruin this world.

With the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union failed, especially the collapse of the Berlin Wall in Nov. 9, 1989, marks the practice of socialism that based on the communist ideology has basically failed.

1992, the political scientist Francis Fukuyama published the book The End of History and the Last Man. In the book, Fukuyama argues the great ideological battles between east and west were over, and that western liberal democracy had triumphed. With anti-communist protests sweeping across the former Soviet Union, that the advent of Western liberal democracy may signal the endpoint of humanity's sociocultural evolution and the final form of human government.

20 years later, in Foreign Affairs of September/October 2014 issue, Francis Fukuyama published article with exactly the opposite point of view - America in Decay - the Sources of Political Dysfunction. In book, he completely negated their own conclusions about democracy and desperately said that the U.S. political system has decayed and has NO WAY OUT:

”The U.S. political system has decayed over time because its traditional system of checks and balances has deepened and become increasingly rigid. In an environment of sharp political polarization, this decentralized system is less and less able to represent majority interests and gives excessive representation to the views of interest groups and activist organizations that collectively do not add up to a sovereign American people.”

Disappointment for American democracy, Fukuyama was not the only person with the same point of view.

Oct. 4, 2009, the 2008 Nobel laureate in economics, Paul Krugman, the professor of the Department of Economics at Princeton University, who published article The Politics of Spite in the New York Times, said that:

"The guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they're against it — whether or not it's good for America."

"It's an ugly picture. But it's the truth. And it's a truth anyone trying to find solutions to America's real problems has to understand."

Prof. Paul Krugman has pointed out the absurd and irrational reality in the government of the United States. If we look back to the past, and take a look at present, it has the universal significance in the democratic government worldwide. The difference is only the matter of more or less.

Oct 16, 2013, I once write an article It is high time to end the partisan politics to try exploring the reason that world is increasingly chaotic.

"MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging dynamic scans of the human brain have shown that human behavior is determined by the brain's working state. Because that human brain development varies greatly, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference. Those psychosis sufferers, depression sufferers, antisocial violence attackers, their brains all have partial atrophy from innate or latter acquired, and therefore, their brains cannot exercise properly, so that, they cannot do something rationally." For example:

Apr. 01, 2011, the report Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens said with that:

"The neuroscientists used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the size of particular regions in the brains of 65 teenage boys with conduct disorder compared with 27 teenage boys who did not display symptoms of behavioural disorder. Their findings revealed that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognising were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behaviour. ”

"Even if people no significant behavioral problem as above mentioned, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do any thing rationally; some people are impulse and radical. Those are also due to the differences in brain development." 
      "In view of this, we must choose those people who are healthy in brain development to make decisions for the future of mankind."
      "As a simple way, the national and international decision-making bodies should be formed by those people who have obtained high rank academic qualifications, such as, the professional experts, professors, and the Nobel Prize winners, and so on."

"There is a teaching class is widely welcomed by young people, no matter in North America, in Europe, in China, or even in Japan, it is the Harvard course Justice: A Journey in Moral Reasoning. The Lecturers isMichael J. Sandel, the American political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University."

"In the article <If I ruled the world: Michael Sandel> he said that 'If I ruled the world, I would rewrite the economics textbooks. This may seem a small ambition, unworthy of my sovereign office. But it would actually be a big step toward a better civic life.' "

Clearlythe philosopher Michael J. Sandel is surely able to think carefully and thoughtfully, and he surely is rich in compassionate, and he can surely rule the world rationally.

It Is Time to Kick Out Brain-Defective Politicians by MRI Scan.

Italy is one of the earlier countries that have friendly exchanges with China.

In 1291, the Italian Marco Polo who arrived China. Later, according to his dictation of travel experiences,Rustichello da Pisa who wrote the book of The The Travels of Marco Polo to have helped many Europeans to learn the Central Asia and China.

In 1715, another Italian Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766) who arrived China as a missionary and there he took the name Lang Shining. His skill as an artist was appreciated by the Emperor Qianlong and was invited as a painter works for the Royal Court. In 1766, the 51 years later, Castiglione who died in China, Emperor Qianlong specially issued his death edict, and gave him a special title for his enjoying the funeralas the Royal Officials. His body was buried in Beijing's foreign missionaries cemetery until today.


Giuseppe Castiglione


Emperor Qianlong

Giuseppe Castiglione       http://baike.baidu.com/view/31621.htm

Emperor Qianlong           http://baike.baidu.com/picture/119805/

--- Frank  Oct. 14, 2014 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Italian President initiates a New Era of political

Frank  Mar. 31 2013  in Waterloo, On. Ca.


I would like to make a PROPHECY today that: Italy has sounded the death knell for absurd partisan political.

--- Frank  Mar. 31 2013  in Waterloo, On. Ca.

30 March 2013, the article reproted that:

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has named 10 selected "wise men" to work in two separate groups to offer a policy platform to end the impasse in forming a new government.

His announcement ended speculation that he might resign - a day after political parties failed to agree a coalition government following February's inconclusive election.

Oct. 4, 2009, the 2008 Nobel laureate in economics, Paul Krugman, the professor of the Department of Economics at Princeton University, who published article in the New York Times, said that:

"The guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they're against it — whether or not it's good for America."

"It's an ugly picture. But it's the truth. And it's a truth anyone trying to find solutions to America's real problems has to understand."

Prof. Paul Krugman has pointed out the absurd and irrational reality in the government of the United States. If we look back to the past, and take a look at present, it has the universal significance in the democratic government worldwide. The difference is only the matter of more or less.

Perhaps, it was that the autocratic monarchy, or one-party dictatorship, has caused too much harm to humans, people eagerly advocate democracy; some countries even actively plant multi-party democratic government everywhere by force. However, the facts are that, besides killing of the innocents and creating of chaos, they did not bring any good to our world. 
     In the world today, in concerning about the democratic government, the number of them that is worthy of appreciation is too small. As my perspective, in comparatively speaking, the government of Germany is the most rational, followed by the government of Canada. I am so sorry for that I only cited two countries, I really can not cite the good example of more.

Talking about the parties, Soviet writer and journalist Vasily Grossman who had incisive comment in his book :

"Human groupings have one main purpose: to assert everyone’s right to be different, to be special, to think, feel and live in his or her own way. People join together in order to win or defend this right. But this is where a terrible, fateful error is born: the belief that these groupings in the name of a race, a God, a party or a State are the very purpose of life and not simply a means to an end. No! The only true and lasting meaning of the struggle for life lies in the individual, in his modest peculiarities and in his right to these peculiarities."

I appreciate the views on the parties of Vasily Grossman. In most of cases, in some of extents, parties are the tools that were wrongly used by irrational people to harm human society. Please seriously think about that, if there is no support from the partisan forces, as any separate individual would not have the ability to endanger our society.

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