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送交者: muchomoney 2008月11月06日07:53:03 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 儿童经典教育的三个方面:人伦、美育和根本智教育Box 于 2008-11-05 16:36:36
I totally agree that (《老子》、《论语》、《大学 》、《中
庸》、《孟子》 is the fundermentals of chinese civilizations. However, is it the essense of 儿童经典教育? that is questionable. I know tw kids study 《大学 》、《中
庸 in the first grade. How much did they really believe on what they are being taught? from my encounters with taiwanese, they don't practice what they learned very much at all.

why? Confucius theory is very complicated. a lot of stories that illustrates a particular theory is only suitable adults. Even if you explain it to regular chinese kid in China, most likely he would not understand what you are talking about. when kids don't understand your explanation they will just ignore it.

I have realized teaching kids chinese language and chinese heritage at early age is just a waste of time. For 《大学 》、《中
庸 etc, they need to learn them when they go to college. In this forum, it only applies to sister Jty :)
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