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Thanks Yani,I'll check tonight
送交者: 笑菡 2009月02月26日13:03:00 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 笑菡请查EYani 于 2009-02-26 10:22:01
FYI, I think dow 7300-7400 is such an important historical level(low in 2002, 50% retracement from 1974 to 2007), it would have to consolidate thoroughly in this area with or without the last couple of days gov talks. After tue's reversal rally, Wed and thur's attempted follow through have both failed.
Technically, if we can't bring dow back above the 7300-7400 level next week, more downside will come. If we can, sell the rally.
Fundamentally, still all politian talks, trying bring confidence to the market. The bank stress testing will bring out more "dirt".
I'm not buying this "major bottoming" talk, not yet.
Have fun! :-)
  笑菡妹真是文武双全啊 - 笪缑 02/27/09 (293)
    呵, 都是副业. 当妈才是正经事. :-) - 笑菡 02/28/09 (238)
  Thanks for your info - Yani 02/26/09 (379)
    heading down... - 笑菡 02/27/09 (345)
      C got murdered this morning - Yani 02/27/09 (301)
        Yes, it's the best solution - 笑菡 02/28/09 (325)
          Roubini called - Yani 03/01/09 (335)
            Ha? Roubini called you? :-)) - 笑菡 03/01/09 (256)
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