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大小子的Economy 101
送交者: 笑菡 2009年01月10日19:27:40 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
去年十月, 我让大小子写下他从网上电视上学到的关于金融风暴的消息, 说完我就把这事给忘了. 刚才在他的电脑上看他写的几段, 和他爸大笑不止. * * * October 2008 The Economy Current rating in my opinion: stupid The cause, according to several radio shows, are corrupt politicians, sub-prime loan’s. The stocks have had their biggest plunge in years. The Dow has dipped below 8000 at times. Lehman Brothers has gone out of business; Morgan Stanley might be next; and AIG had to be bailed out twice, the second time because 100 employees went on vacation with government’s money. The government has called for a $700 billion bailout plan several times. In other words, a bailout of $700,000,000,000. that’s a lot of cash! The presidential candidates have different ideas. John McCain plans to decrease government spending; on the other hand, Obama plans to raise government spending along with taxes. The economy might have a depression again, right now it’s a recession.
    还有一篇辩驳Global Warming的,有点乱,有待整理  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/12/09 (241)
      快整理!:)  /无内容 - Box 01/12/09 (187)
  Wow!! Wow!! 妈妈的基因吧?! :-)  /无内容 - 风轻云淡 01/11/09 (232)
    总谢楼上楼下各位叔叔阿姨同乐. :-)  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/11/09 (194)
  见到个寻人启示,有没有知道的? - ucando 01/11/09 (294)
    阿秘驼佛,可怜的孩子和家人.祝愿他平安!  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/11/09 (211)
  哈哈!在投行当个首席经济学家绰绰有余:)  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 01/11/09 (167)
  巨牛啊,哈哈。 - 刘福禄 01/10/09 (235)
  太厉害了,三姨只能当旁听生了,呵呵  /无内容 - 三月梅 01/10/09 (167)
  :)) very good writting...  /无内容 - layworld 01/10/09 (173)
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