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送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2011年10月29日07:38:11 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Thurs. July 7, 2011

Dear Diary,

    In the theater camp this morning, we stuck to some song as yesterday. Our dance teacher didn't know the words so I pretty much got used to the wrong words. The Junior campers came with us and did their part. We went to lunch together and Ethan was still not there.

    I was with my troop and had water ice in the afternoon. I played Gaga for a while. For some reason, the ball kept hitting my hand. I joined a water gun fight. I was soaked when it was finished. Later, I went swimming and got out early because of Ethan. Man, Ethan's a big bully!





Fri. July 8, 2011

Dear Diary,

    In the theatre camp today, we sang "A Whole New World", "Prince Ali" Reprise 1 and 2, and "Friend Like Me". We reviewed the songs from the top of "Prince Ali" with Jr. campers. The teacher didn't like the dance movement and said it wasn't us.

    When I went to lunch, Ethan was still not there.

    Justin and I played a couple rounds of Ninja in the computer lab for a while. We left for the carnival. I tried the Dunk-it and dunked a person into the water. I got cotton candy and played with water guns. I was very sad when lighting and thundering. It started pouring. The only thing I was doing to watch a kid play his iPhone. We went swimming for only about 10 min because we were late. Man, how could a day get worse than that!!!






Mon. July 11, 2011

Dear Diary,

    In the theater camp today, we sang about 3/5 songs and Jim, Music Director told us to shout our hearts out. Blah-blah this, blah-blah that. Then, we went on the stage to fix "Friend Like Me". He shouted over us because we did the wrong movement.

    Finally Ethan was here. We had lunch together.

    We went to martial arts Aikido that was really boring. We ran to the groove and watched rockets fly up into the air.

    In the swimming pool, we went off the diving board and played torpedo tag and I won. If I were Ethan, I would get out early, too.







Tues. July 12, 2011

Dear Diary,

    This mooring, we went to the studio to fix "Arabian Nights" Part 2. Mrs. Kris, the theatre director said it was terrible but she was so amazed when we performed for her. We went to the theatre for "A Whole New World" (Finale). We sat back the stage the whole time for the first part. Then, we got spots on stage and learned moves that were really boring.

    At lunch and somehow, I saw Martin's sister Irisa. She just came back from Youth National Basketball Championships in Tennessee. They were sweet 16! Her basketball team was there. Ethan was there as yesterday.

    In the afternoon, we had a water gun fight and I kept squirting people in the butt. I betrayed a team and switched teams. I kept stealing guns from the other team. We went swimming and I chased 2 kids who I betrayed. I gave up at the end and ran off the diving board.






Wed. July 13, 2011

Dear Diary,

    Today, our goal was to play the whole show in an hour. We went to the studio to let the director see how well we got with "Arabian Nights". It was not so good and that's why she made us do it over and over again. we played Mafia and I was one of the Mafias in the break. But unsuccessfully I was killed on the 3rd turn. We went to the theater and tried to run the whole show but we had to stop right when the villainous vizier Jafar was about to disappear. Just to tell you one of Jafar's lines was "Never Say Never".

    We went to lunch and had this food grubbing fight. Every time I got Ethan's Rice Crispiest Treat, this kid grabbed it and gave it back.

    In afternoon camp, I played some Gaga outside and didn't win a single game. Everyone was aiming at me so I got the fun part. We played War with poker cards and gave up because it was so boring. We went swimming. Ethan and I chased 2 kids. After a while, Ethan wanted to go on their team and traded with another kid. That was a bad idea because they thought he was a double agent. I was very sorry for Ethan.






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