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questions about mussels:
送交者: bunnyM 2008月09月25日11:34:16 于 [七荤八素] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 毛毛妈:豉椒炒青口,盐水毛豆,辣子鱼片,肉末四季豆(图文)毛毛妈 于 2008-09-24 17:21:12
hi maomao's mom,
where do you get your mussels? someone tells me that when you boil the shellfish, if it doesn't open up, it means that it was dead before cooking and you're not supposed to eat it unless it's really fresh. is it true? i thought the frozen ones were ok...
do you have to clean them yourself or they are pre-cleaned ones available as well?
my friends used to pick mussels from northen california coast, but some people say that they're not safe enough to eat because of the water pollution. are the ones from the store better?
  西人大的超市有。 - 毛毛妈 09/25/08 (277)
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