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送交者: 老廣2 2007年04月29日14:59:10 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話

These were our Saturday and Sunday's breakfast, NewYorker Omelet and Peach over
Pancake with blackberry syrup.

NewYorker Omelet is omelet made with egg white only. This one I used 4 left-over
egg whites; made it with mushroom, Italian dry herbs, green onion, fresh
ground peppers, parmesan cheese, salt, and garnish with chives.

First, cook the mushroom with butter, herbs, peppers, green onion, and salt
to taste. Then fry the egg white in medium heat. When the egg white is about
to form, add the cooked mushroom and some parmesan cheese on half side of
the egg white. Then flip the other half egg white over the mushroom and
cook for a minute longer will do.

This morning I made the trouble-some pancake. Well, the pancake is easy,
just mix with milk and a little bit of cinnamon powder (sometimes I put
nutmeg or both and a couple drops of vanilla essence) will do. The trouble
one is making the blackberry sauce. First, have to cook the blackberries
with brown sugar, then have to drain the sauce with a shift(because you
don't want the blackberry seeds), and then cook some more to thicken the
sauce. So, if you use just maple syrup, then it is very easy. Generally,
I would like blueberries on pancake but don't have in hand. It tasted very
good nonetheless. Tips for fry the pancake: use medium heat; don't flip the
pancake over until the center of the pancake is about dry.

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