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送交者: 孑孓^0^ 2008年10月04日15:46:15 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話
等着坐火車去啤酒節的樂隊 You know you're waiting for a train to Oktoberfest in München when... 去墨尼黑的路上 Welcome to Oktoberfest... Snapshot back of the "line" we had to wait just to get into a Biergarten I never did see the appeal... Giant frying pan... Inside the Biergarten. 8.30 beers (about $12-13 each). Common sight at Oktoberfest. Usually they're miserably sitting in a pool of their own mystery vomit. That's as nicely as I can put it. You ought to zoom in and see how it looks like his eyes are going in different directions... Lots of smoking going on as well... (x_x) . You see these things at every traditional Bayerisch festival. People walk around with them hung around their necks. They're usually love notes like, "I love you" and "Only looking at you, sweetie". .... Cripes. Only in Germany. Drunkards passed out on a lawn of the cathedral.... :P . The distance from the train station to Oktoberfest is one constant, huge, streaming mass during essentially all of Oktoberfest. If you have a cathedral and Oktoberfest standing next to each other, you can bet cold, hard cash that I'll more likely be in the cathedral. It was so quiet in there, especially after coming from rudely loud Oktoberfest.... Thank heavens. And THIS is the Döner! Okay, you just don't understand... When I see this picture now, it's like a bell in a Pavlov's dog experiment. DÖNER ARE SO GOOD! *MAMPF MAMPF MAMPF* I tucked into this heartily. 女兒從墨尼黑髮來的照片,謝謝大家分享.:)
  去沒去著名的HB酒吧?  /無內容 - 瓦格 10/08/08 (229)
    不知道啊.她沒說,大概是有眼不識泰山吧:)  /無內容 - 孑孓^0^ 10/08/08 (189)
  那裡的啤酒是好喝,飯鐵實,只要胃夠大夠好。  /無內容 - 幸福劇團 10/06/08 (172)
  Like mother like daughter - Cocoa 10/06/08 (202)
  謝謝圖文並茂的介紹!!!! - kk03 10/05/08 (226)
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