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朋友送來的烤火雞配方:Lemon Turkey Recipe
送交者: 孑孓^0^ 2008年11月25日08:44:06 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話
想學的一定一定要仔細看仔細照着做 Ingredients: 1 whole Turkey (weight is dependant on how many servings are required) 1 large lemon, cut into halves (照着做,對切) sprig of rosemary salt and pepper to taste butter or olive oil, whichever you prefer Heat oven to 350° Rub butter or oil over the skin of the turkey until it is completely coated. Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat. Slide lemon halves under the skin with the peel side up. This allows the juice from the lemon to coat the breast. Season skin of the turkey to your preference, and place sprig of rosemary into it. Cover and place in oven for 30-45 minutes. Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the bird. If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should look like the one in the photo. Bon Appetit! 哈哈哈哈哈............. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
  這夥計的二奶是怎麼搞上去的?太無聊了吧  /無內容 - 稀反 11/27/08 (259)
  先吃哪裡? - coody 11/26/08 (203)
  你太有才了!  /無內容 - 老立米 11/26/08 (202)
  哈哈哈,這火雞真性感。  /無內容 - 幸福劇團 11/26/08 (215)
  這火雞是個女的 - 聾子老三 11/26/08 (213)
  瓦哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~ - 開心 11/26/08 (190)
  不是檸檬火雞,是芙蓉火雞  /無內容 - icecold 11/25/08 (200)
  阿彌陀佛,善齋,善齋啊.  /無內容 - 大洋兩岸 11/25/08 (216)
  哈哈極品阿  /無內容 - oops 11/25/08 (205)
  哈哈哈,還好沒整成個駝背的,驚人哪。  /無內容 - wjbh 11/25/08 (210)
  哈哈哈哈,過了一把 - sth2say 11/25/08 (242)
  should tell hollywood atrress - rednose 11/25/08 (237)
  是你朋友做的嗎?是的話,向你朋友致敬!  /無內容 - Cocoa 11/25/08 (268)
    哈哈,我這活寶朋友, - 孑孓^0^ 11/25/08 (458)
    抓不得,人家家裡還養着六條小狗呢, - 孑孓^0^ 11/25/08 (324)
  嘿嘿,這個可以考慮踹一下 - 職老 11/25/08 (400)
    本本相當認真D說,哈哈哈...  /無內容 - 孑孓^0^ 11/25/08 (222)
    別揣錯了地方,嘿嘿  /無內容 - 東籬下 11/25/08 (264)
      9494:)))  /無內容 - 孑孓^0^ 11/25/08 (233)
  哈哈,牛,太牛了,天下第一牛的火雞!!!  /無內容 - Cocoa 11/25/08 (268)
    這還不是一般二般的牛,是那什麼牛?  /無內容 - 孑孓^0^ 11/25/08 (243)
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2007: 西叩: 茶文化 (圖)
2007: 孑孓^0^:自己發豆芽(圖文)