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You don't know that?
送交者: qm 2008月09月06日09:02:36 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这个圈是多少年?陈丹蕾 于 2008-09-06 08:49:15
So you really don't know. I'll answer you the last time.

The last recession lasted less than a couple of years. Even though Bush take credit for the recovery by cutting taxes, it is the market that correct itself. Where does that 10/20 years come from? Have you seen any recession last ed that long? The only one lasted that long was in 1930's. Many economists believe that it would not have lasted that long if the government got out of the way.

Recessions last longer when government tries to fix it. Government is needed for keeping order, not to mess up the market.
  答案比比皆是,例如: - 陈丹蕾 09/06/08 (242)
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